Routine Exfoliation? Be Careful Can Make Skin Irritated And Acne

JAKARTA - Although dermatologists argue that exfoliation of facial skin is the right way to remove dead skin cells and display fresh and glowing skin from within. Unfortunately, the trend of beauty products with booming exfolian content can actually have a bad impact on the skin if used too often.

Exfoliation helps eliminate skin problems such as dryness, acne, peeling, and large pores. However, excess exfoliation can also worsen skin conditions. So, how do you know if the exfoliation process needs to be continued or stop it?

Here are the guidelines you need to know about exfoliation about everything about exfoliating your skin, including how to treat your skin to return to health after you do too much.

"Exfoliation of excess skin is one of the biggest mistakes people make," said Dr. Aanand Geria, a dermatologist at Geria Dermatology, according to Healthline, Friday, June 28.

In general, the skin should be exfoliated only once to twice a week to help accelerate skin cell change without causing any damage.

Remember, only once to twice a week. If you use exfoliated acid every day, there is a possibility that the skin needs rest.

Fortunately, it is quite easy to know the sign of using excess exfoliation products. These signs are in the form of;

Gradually, the skin can become dry and scaly. In fact, a rash will appear, resulting in uneven red spots, until finally the skin is textured. Acne is another general reaction, especially small acne, roughness, and wavy.

There is one symptom of excess use that is more difficult to determine, namely that the skin has a strong texture like wax. This is often misinterpreted as a healthy bright skin. In fact, this is an excess exfoliation effect.

"The smell looks like wax because the skin cells and natural oils are gone, allowing early exposure to the skin below," Geria said. "My skin looks shining. However, the reality is very dry and open."

And excessive exposure causes painful crack and peeling, Geria explained. As a reference, healthy glowing skin looks montok and moist, non-dry, thin, or milling.

"In addition, the skin can be more sensitive when using daily skincare products", said Dr. Craig Kraffert, a board-certified dermatologist, and president Amarte. In other words, the routine of daily skin care suddenly causes red facial skin, peeling off, and a burning sensation appears.

If you look at any of the reactions above after exfoliation, either because of excessive facial scrubbing sessions or the use of acid. Geria suggests that the first thing to do is stop exfoliating until your skin recovers and is in a basic texture. The second thing is to stop all cleaning products that contain foam, retinol products, and physical and chemical exfoliators. Third, switch to light cleaning and fragrance-free moisturizer. Fourth, treat reddening or coarsening areas with emolient-rich materials such as Aquaphor or Aqua Veil. You can also use hydrocortison cream or aloe vera gel.