How To Open An Emergency Call Forgot Cellphone Pattern, No Data Reset Required

YOGYAKARTA - Forgot the pattern to open a cellphone is a hassle. One way to solve this problem is with an emergency call option. So how to open a cellphone pattern that forgets an emergency call?

Not infrequently, mobile phone users forget the pattern of their cellphone keys. This situation certainly makes it difficult for mobile phone users because they cannot open and operate their cellphones. This situation is even more annoying if you want to use your cellphone for important purposes.

When you forget the cell phone's key pattern and you never find the answer, some people may choose the reset factory action. This shortcut can immediately return the cellphone to its original state, so that it can be reused as usual. However, this step will make the data across the cellphone disappear.

It is better not to rush into resetting your cellphone, given the important data on a dear cellphone when you have to go missing. Try to overcome the problem of forgetting your cellphone pattern by making an emergency call.

Making an emergency call is one way to solve the problem of mobile phone users who forget the screen lock pattern. Each phone brand has a different emergency call number. Therefore, emergency call must be addressed to the number according to the brand of their respective cellphones.

The following is a list of emergency call numbers for each phone brand that mobile phone users must understand:

Here's how to open a cellphone pattern that forgets through an emergency call that you can follow:

There are special steps for iPhone users to overcome the exfoliation pattern of opening their cellphones. If you have a problem forgetting the iPhone phone pattern, follow this method:

The following are steps to open the pattern of cellphones that have forgotten for Samsung phone owners:

That's how to open a cellphone pattern that forgets an emergency call. If you experience this problem, don't rush to reset factory actions to be able to reopen your cellphone. It is better to apply the steps above so that the screen lock can be opened and the data in it is not lost. Also read how to open the Android phone screen without pressing the power button.

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