Sleep 5 Hours Every Night Impacts On Cognitive And Health Functions, Check Explanation
YOGYAKARTA Sleep at night is very important. Not only for physical health, but lack of sleep can affect cognitive, mood and mental health functions. So what about 5 hours of sleep every night? Does it also have a bad impact on physical and mental health and the brain?
Although it feels like you've got enough sleep, 5 hours of sleep every night can be said to be sleep deprived. The duration of the sleep is considered a short sleep because adults aged 18 years and over are recommended to sleep more than 7 hours every night. Well, how do you know lack of sleep?
One way to measure how long a person needs sleep is to sleep and wake up naturally without alarms. This method also helps a person to pay attention to their energy levels throughout the day to determine whether they have enough sleep or not. As a reference to improve sleep patterns, here are the impact of 5 hours of sleep a day.
The most tangible impact of lack of sleep is related to the difficulty of concentration, it takes a long time to interact, and increases the difficulty of thinking in doing complex tasks. Launching SleepFoundation, Thursday, June 27, sleep is also important for learning and memory. Researchers believe that during sleep new information is integrated into memory. So if tomorrow you have to work with focus or there is a test, it's better to get enough sleep instead of staying up late.
Lack of sleep can make people more easily angry and less able to manage emotions and cope with stress. People who are sleep deprived may also feel anxious or depressed, and research has found a relationship between long-term lack of sleep and the development of mental health conditions such as depression and anxiety.
Due to lack of sleep, it has a negative impact on concentration and time in reacting. It can also increase errors and accidents. Errors can look as harmless as administrative errors or as serious as the doctor misdiagnosizes the patient. Not only driving while sleepy, driving after lack of sleep is also equally dangerous.
Sleep is very important for physical health, which is why continuous sleep shortages can have a long-term health impact. Lack of sleep in the long term, is a risk factor for cardiovascular problems. Such as high blood pressure, stroke, and heart disease. It is also associated with type 2 diabetes and kidney disease. In the short term, the effects of sleep loss have a negative impact on the immune system and the body's ability to fight disease.
The quality of life decreases when the preferred activity is limited due to low energy. Feeling very tired or suddenly falling asleep at home or at work, also affects a person's career. In addition to influencing a career, lack of sleep can also affect social relationships and even relationships with a partner.
Those are the five impacts of lack of sleep or just 5 hours of sleep every night. Although there are many reasons, such as job demands, delaying sleep, to being influenced by health problems. It's still important to start paying attention to how long the ideal sleep is every night. Well, to get enough sleep, it really needs to be prepared properly. Starting from setting a sleep schedule, conditioning activities before bed, to arranging a comfortable sleeping room.