Tricks To Use Epsom Salt To Clean Your House

JAKARTA - Epsom salt, apart from being used for plants, can also be used as natural ingredients for cleaning the house. This is because salt has abrasion ability that removes dirt and stains and as a moisture absorber to absorb unpleasant odors.

Below, household janitors will share various ways of using epsom salt to beautify housing, reported by The Spruce, Friday, June 27.

Washing pots and pans

Dishes are not the only tool that can be used for washing. Epsom salt can also help because of its abrasive nature, said Logan Taylor, owner of The Dazzle Cleaning Company.

First, wet the pan and then insert a few drops of dish washing soap and a tablespoon of epsom salt into it before cleansing it with a rough sponge side. Taylor said this technique is very helpful when handling the outside and bottom of the pot.

"Make sure not to rub the interior of the anti-stick pan with Epsom salt because Epsom salt is too abrasive for most surfaces of anti-stick pans," Taylor said.

Cleaning the washing machine's dirt

In the washing machine there are accumulated dirt. And you can use epsom salt to clean. Just add a cup of epsom salt to the washing machine. Let the machine fill with water and add a cup of white vinegar.

If you have a front opening washing machine, put one cup of epsom salt into the washing machine and put one cup of white vinegar into the detergent funnel, Taylor said.

Cleaning the mug

If the mug used daily starts showing yellow spots due to coffee and tea stains, the epsom salt can make it look like new.

Jess Farinha, founder of the London House Cleaners, suggests adding epsom and water salt paste to the glass and gently rub it. Then, rinse until it is clean so that the mug returns to clean scintillating.

Clean the bathroom

Epsom salt is very useful cleaning the entire room in the house, including the bathroom. Erin Zanelli, one of the owners of the Home Peaceful Cleaning Service, recommends mixing epsom salt and liquid dish washing soap with the same comparison to make a perfect environmentally friendly scrub for tiles and bath surfaces.

"Its abrasive texture helps get rid of dirt and left over from soap easily," said Zanelli.

Eliminating an unpleasant odor from the trash can

If the unpleasant smell is still left in the trash can even after you remove the bag, try this trick. Namely by placing Epsom salt at the bottom of the trash. Salt will help absorb moisture and neutralize unpleasant odors, said Farinha.

Eliminating the smell that sticks to the talent

The wood talent you use every day can also hold the smell, and of course epsom salt can help.

After using the tissue, sprinkle Epsom salt on it and rub it with lemon after that, rinse it thoroughly, "said Farinha. "This is against the smell of shallots and garlic left."

Review the appearance of stainless steel equipment

Even equipment made from stainless steel can also show signs of wear over time. To overcome this, take Epsom salt and combine it with olive oil to make a kind of pasta, advises Farinha, then apply it to the refrigerator to make it look scratch-free.

"This figure is with a microfiber cloth for a smooth and fingerprint resistant final result," he said.

If the kitchen is equipped with chrome hardware, you may want to give extra glow too. Once again, said Farinha, you should take the microfiber cloth and soak it with a little Epsom salt. This will help remove spots and water spots.