The Impact Of Pandemic Is Getting Worse, 20 Hotels And Villas Are Sold In Buleleng, Bali

BULELENG - The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic is getting worse. There are 20 hotels from non-star to 5-star class for sale in Buleleng, Bali. Apart from hotels, there are dozens of villas that are also offered for sale.

"Yeah right, yesterday there were about 20 hotels. There are small, and big ones because the area is not the same as South Bali", said Dewa Ketut Suardipa, Head of the Indonesian Hotel and Restaurant Association (PHRI) in Bali when contacted, Wednesday, March 17.

"There are 5 stars and 3 stars hotels for sale. There are non-stars, many are non-stars. Because our local entrepreneurs are mostly non-stars. There are already a few (those who sell), but most have not (sold). There are also many villas. There are dozens of them", he added.

He explained that as many as 170 hotels and 13 restaurants are members of PHRI Buleleng. However, due to the COVID-19 pandemic around dozens of hotels have closed operations.

"There are still dozens of hotels that are closed", he explained.

Suardipa said that the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on businessmen in Buleleng had a very significant impact. Especially, about finances.

"We can still bail in 2020. But now many hotels have closed in North Bali because they are no longer strong enough to operate. Some are still open and still maintaining their properties", he said.

This problem has an impact on employees, which is the termination of employment (PHK). However, PHRI records there are still a number of hotels are still operating.

"The impact is felt by hotel entrepreneurs because of high operational costs. Then there are some hotels that are no longer strong. Then, to staff and employees who have been laid off, some work half-way (or) open and close", said Suardipa.

PHRI hopes. the government will soon open the border of international tourism. Because the tourism market share in Buleleng, Bali, is European tourists.

"Because the market share in North Bali is mostly from Europe, our area is wider. In Pemuteran and the Tejakula area, most of it are European market share", he said.

In addition, it is hoped that a soft loan program or soft loan for tourism business actors is expected. That way, entrepreneurs have the capital to survive the pandemic.

"Of course, it must be assisted by soft loans. So from the banking sector, it really provides the right relaxation. There should no longer be any conditions they must fill. This means that it should not be complicated at times like this", he said.

In addition, PHRI requested that vaccination in Bali be prioritized so that foreign tourists visiting Bali feel safe and confident about going to Bali.

"So the tourists must at least be given vaccines. It must be prioritized not to be just a discourse. Because, one of the conditions for tourists who can come to an area when they have been vaccinated", he said.