Using A Cap Until Accused Of Log In, Denny Sumargo Consulted With Ustaz Khalid Basalamah First

JAKARTA - Denny Sumargo finally opened his voice regarding the news that he would convert to Islam because he often showed himself to create content that smelled of Islam.

However, in a podcast with Atta Halilintar, Denny Sumargo gently denied that it was just an assumption by netizens.

According to Denny, this is a form of affection for his Muslim fans for him.

"That's a netizen. I know that netizens really love me, especially for Muslim friends," said Denny Sumargo, quoted by VOI from YouTube Need A Talk, Thursday, June 26.

Regarding the use of Islamic clothing such as caps to koko clothes, Denny straightened out that he was only for the sake of content. He did this to increase the atmosphere of Islam when he met guest stars who discussed Muslim religion.

"Create actual content. So sometimes if my guest or the vibe is more of a Muslim direction, I also use a cap," he said.

Furthermore, Olivia Sumargo's husband added that he had consulted ustaz how to dress.

Not without reason, Denny said that he did not want the use of Islamic clothing to offend and be considered negative by the audience.

"I've also been operating with Ustad Khalid Basalamah, am I offending this or not? And it's more positive. Because I mean I respect it's ok. I'm not trying to take advantage of it," he added.