Discourse On Lifting US Private Military Ban Send Troops To Ukraine, Biden Will Sign?
JAKARTA - The United States plans to lift regulations regarding the ban on the US private military from deploying its troops to Ukraine.
The discourse was rolled out by US officials. Until now, the approval of US President Joe Biden has not yet been approved.
"It's too early," said one of four US government officials who spoke about the discourse, Wednesday, June 26, quoted from the Telegraph.co.uk.
This discourse, if signed by Biden, would mark a significant change in the US administration's policy in Ukraine.
On the one hand, Washington is also looking for ways to accelerate the process of repairing weapons systems used by the Ukrainian military in countering the Russian invasion.
The official continued, policy changes if approved are likely to take effect in 2024.
If realized, the policy will automatically allow the Pentagon to grant contracts to US private military companies working in Ukraine for the first time since the Russian invasion in 2022.
Over the past two years, the White House has emphasized to all US citizens, in particular soldiers, to stay away from the front lines of the Ukraine-Russian conflict.