Jokowi Officially Approves Revision Of Village Law, Village Ecosystem Apparatus And Worker Protected By Jamsostek

JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo officially passed Law Number 3 of 2024 concerning Villages (UU Desa). One of the important points regulated by the government in the regulation is the provision of employment social security protection for Village Heads, Village Apparatus, and members of the Village Consultative Body (BPD).

As a form of quick response to the issuance of the regulation, the Director General of Village Administration of the Ministry of Home Affairs together with BPJS Ketenagakerjaan nominated all Provincial and Regency/City Governments, which was held in Jakarta last week, Thursday, June 20.

The Minister of Home Affairs (Mendagri) represented by Plt. Secretary General of the Ministry of Home Affairs Tomsi Tohir in his statement said that this was in line with the Nawacita of the President of the Republic of Indonesia Joko Widodo, namely building Indonesia from the outskirts, one of which was by strengthening villages in Indonesia.

The very important role of the village in supporting national economic growth has made the government take concrete steps to improve the welfare of all workers, especially those in rural areas.

He also highlighted the great benefits of social security programs and at the same time encouraged all local governments present to provide employment social security protection to all devices and their communities, in accordance with the mandate contained in the law.

"That's right, I really hope to share welfare for my friends in the village earlier. Village and community officials. Of course, this is the responsibility of the government to continue to strive for the welfare of its people through the protection and social security that exists," he said.

In the discussion that became a series of activities, the Director General of Village Administration of the Ministry of Home Affairs, La Ode Ahmad P. Bolombo promised to prepare Government Regulations and other operational instruments, so that the employment social security program can be realized immediately.

"One of our spirits in revising this is how the protection reaches the village," he said.

In line with that, BPJS Employment Participation Director Zainudin also appreciated the government's concern for the protection and welfare of workers in villages. Even Zainudin added that there were 2 Presidential Instructions (Inpres) closely related to the protection of employment social security, namely Presidential Instruction No. 2 of 2021 and Presidential Instruction 4 of 2022 regarding the Acceleration of the Elimination of Extreme Poverty.

"We express our extraordinary appreciation because in this new Village Law in detail it explains the importance of protecting employment social security. This program is very important because it is a constitutional mandate and a strategic program for the state to support national resilience," explained Zainudin.

Zainudin further said that employment social security can be a tool to prevent and reduce poverty and become a tool to ensure the continuity of education for the next generation of the nation through the benefits of scholarships.

According to data, until now the number of BPJS Employment participations for the Non-ASN sector at the village and RT RW levels is 1.7 million workers, and 547 thousand vulnerable workers are in the village. Meanwhile, if you look at the structure of workers nationally, there are 61.47 million informal workers working in villages, so there is still a very wide potential for workers to be protected by BPJS Ketenagakerjaan.

Zainudin added that currently BPJS Ketenagakerjaan is focusing on improving social security protection through collaboration with the Ministry of Home Affairs in protecting village governments. In addition, BPJS Ketenagakerjaan together with other Ministries/Institutions also continues to encourage the protection of workers in the market ecosystem, which includes modern and traditional markets, then ecosystems in e-commerce and MSMEs, as well as the last ecosystem in vulnerable workers such as informal workers or non-wage workers, poor and underprivileged workers.

In terms of benefits, throughout 2023 BPJS Ketenagakerjaan has paid 1.91 million claims for all workers in the village, with a total benefit of IDR 19.06 trillion.

Zainudin stated that BPJS Ketenagakerjaan is ready to synergize with all local governments to create prosperous and anxious workers.

"In the context of the birth of this new village law, let's work together to present this excellent program in remote villages. Because one of the functions of social security is to raise the dignity of workers and their families," concluded Zainudin.

Head of the BPJamsostek Jakarta Cilincing Branch Office, Haryani Rotua Melasari, added that the protection of employment social security to the village level is an important breakthrough, not only to protect workers in rural areas, but also to expand BPJamsostek's participation to remote areas.

"We want every worker, including those in rural ecosystems, to be protected by social security so that they are free to worry when making a living and serving the needs of the residents," said Ani, her nickname.

By becoming a Jamsostek participant, each worker will receive basic protection through Work Accident Insurance (JKK) and Death Security (JKM). Even though none of them wanted it, workers who had accidents to total disabilities or died also had the right to receive scholarship compensation for their heirs," Ani concluded.