After Complaining To The Ministry Of Law And Human Rights, The Former UN Deputy Reports Yusril Ihza Mahendra To The Criminal Investigation Department

JAKARTA - Former Chairman of the Crescent Star Party (PBB) Yusril Ihza Mahendra was reported on suspicion of violating the rules in drafting party management to the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Police.

This report was carried out by the UN rescue team after complaining of alleged defects in the administrative process to the Directorate General of AHU, Ministry of Law and Human Rights (Kemenkumham).

"So from the beginning we objected to the Ministry of Law and Human Rights so that our report was accepted, but we waited for the process from the Directorate General of AHU regarding the objections to the 2 decrees, then we came here because we considered it necessary", said the Head of the UN Rescue Legal Team, Luthfi Yazid, to reporters, Tuesday, June 25.

Allegations of violations committed by Yusril when compiling a Decree or Decree on State Administrative Decree number M.HH-02.AH.11.03 of 2024 concerning ratification of amendments to the articles of association and the budget for households of the Crescent Star Party (PBB).

Then, the State Administrative Decree number M.HH-04.AH.11.02 of 2024 concerning the ratification of the composition and personnel of the central leadership council of the Crescent Star Party (PBB) dated June 12, 2024.

This is because the process is not through the Party Council Deliberation (MDP) and the steering committee.

"Actually, we regret it because if there is a conflict like this, the party will get smaller, the problem is that the source of the problem is Yusril, actually if there is no Yusril, in this case it is actually safe. Because Yusril submitted a request for changes to ADART, compiling new personnel in the party himself without being signed by the Secretary General," said Luthfi.

"Therefore, it is a problem, that those who have the authority to submit applications for changes to the approval of ADART are the steering commitments of 7 people, and Yusril is not included in the 7 people," he continued.

However, the report has not been received by Bareskrim Polri. This is because there is a lack of documents such as the chronology of alleged violations of the rules against Yusril.

"Earlier in the discussion with Dirtipidum and Kasubdit, together with Pak Fuad Zakaria as Deputy General Chair of the United Nations, the point is that an in-depth investigation will be carried out because this is still a criminal element process related to Yusril. So it is not only related to document falsification, but possibly other criminal elements, later an assessment will be carried out after we make a detailed chronology of A-Z," said Luthfi.

In the new management, the position of Secretary General of the United Nations is now held by Mohammad Masduki. Masduki was previously the Chairman of the East Java UN DPW.

Then, there is also the name of Yusril Ihza Mahendra's son who sits in the ranks of the UN DPP management, including Yuri Kemal Fadhlullah who serves as UN Deputy General.

Meanwhile, Kenia Khairunnisa Mahendra sits as the General Treasurer of the Crescent Star Party.