Kabar Soal Data Sidik Jari 'Inafis' Dijual Seribu Dollar, Polri Bilang Begini

JAKARTA - The National Police will confirm the truth about Inafis or the Indonesia Automatic Fingerprint Identification System which is traded on illegal sites or dark webs.It is known, the data purchased includes sensitive data such as fingerprint images, emails, and SpringBoot applications with configuration properties."We will mitigate later, we will check again because this is an interesting issue at this time," said Head of the Public Relations Division of the National Police Inspector General Shandi Nugroho to reporters, Tuesday, June 25.Not only that, the National Police will also cooperate with other related parties. Thus, the problem of the alleged cyber crime can be completely resolved."What is certain is that the police will cooperate with other stakeholders to be able to solve this problem," said Shandi.The allegation of buying and selling Inafis data was uploaded by the account X @FalconFedsio. In a post that includes screenshots of the dark site also highlighted the offer to sell the compromised data for 1000 US dollars or around Rp. 16.4 million.Responding to the issue, the Head of the National Cyber and Crypto Agency (BSSN) Hinsa Siburian has coordinated with the police, and confirmed that the leaked data is old data.
" “ So of course we cross-check, we confirm with the Police. Is this really your data? They say there is data, indeed old data. That's their provisional answer, "” said Hinsa