Virgoun Undergoes 3 Months Of Rehabilitation For Cases Of Alleged Drug Abuse
West Jakarta Metro Police Chief Kombes Pol M Syahduddi has officially named Virgoun along with two other people, namely PA and BH as suspects in drug abuse cases.
Syahduddi emphasized that in this case Virgoun was not involved in any drug network in this case.
"Yesterday, when I informed him that from the results of the investigation conducted by investigators, it was true that these 3 suspects categorized the suspect as narcotics abuse," said Syahduddi during a press conference at the West Jakarta Metro Police, Tuesday, June 25.
"Indeed, these three suspects from the aspect were secured, including the deepening of the three, no drug networks were found by officers," he added.
Furthermore, regarding the assessment of the three suspects, Syahduddi said that Virgoun was rehabilitated for three months starting from today, Tuesday, June 25.
"Today, the results of the assessment from the DKI Jakarta BNNP have been sent to three suspects and rehabilitation for 3 months at the Jakarta Drug Addiction Hospital (RSKO)," he added.
"So the assessment process and assessment recommendations did not come from West Jakarta Metro Police investigators but based on recommendations from the DKI Jakarta BNNP integrated assessment team," he said.
The reason is that Virgoun, PA, and BH are subject to Article 127 paragraph 1 letter a of the Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 35 of 2009 concerning Narcotics regarding the abuse of Narcotics class I for itself must be rehabilitated or imprisonment for a maximum of 4 years.