Understanding The Needs Of Persons With Disabilities Is Not Easy

JAKARTA A participant in the National Selection Based on a deaf Test (SNBT) must remove the hearing aid (AB) when taking the exam. These instructions make him lose concentration while working on the exam questions.

A 12th grade vocational school student in South Tangerang, Naufal Athallah, experienced this incident while taking the Company-Based Writing Examination (UTBK) at the University of Indonesia (UI).

This incident became a conversation after he shared his experience on social media X or Twitter @naunathz on Sunday, June 16.

"Hello guys, I want to clarify about the issue of ordals using tools in my eyes. Yesterday when UTBK talked to me, I looked at me because I was using a tool to listen to my ears and I was afraid they would cry if I was a UTBK jockey" even though I was blind... pic.twitter.com/JnruDhdzXt

Naufal said that someone thought he was a UTBK jockey because he was wearing a tool in his ear. He was asked to remove ABD so as not to interfere with the test.

"I want to clarify about the issue of ordals using tools in my eyes. Yesterday when UTBK talked to me, I looked at me because I was using a tool to listen to my ears and I was afraid they would cry if I was a UTBK jockey, even though I was deaf...," wrote Naufal in his tweet.

Citing the Ministry of Health page, deafness is a condition or condition of a person who has a lack or loss of hearing sense so that he is unable to capture stimulation in the form of sounds, sounds or other stimuli through hearing.

Because the development of hearing is hampered, a deaf person is also hampered by his speech and language. Therefore, deaf people will experience slowdown and difficulties in matters related to communication. The fact that deaf children cannot hear makes it difficult for them to understand the language spoken by others, because they cannot understand the language verbally or verbally.

Naufal Athallah, 18 years old, is a person with a deaf disability since he was three years old and used ABD a year later. For Naufal, ABD is the savior of his life.

Therefore, when he had to leave ABD when he attended SNBT at the University of Indonesia on May 14, his feelings were sad. Even though Naufal is competing with thousands of other students who are fighting for one state university seat.

On the day of the exam, Naufal was like other participants who waited outside the UTBK room. While memorize the formula and praying, he heard the voices of other participants who suspected that he was a test jockey for using ABD.

Before the exam, Naufal came to the committee to ask for permission to use ABD when the exam took place. However, because he was not allowed, he was forced to release ABD.

"Actually, I decided to release ABD because I was told to let go of the committee, even though I had asked and asked permission to use ABD during the exam because I was deaf," he said.

"Honestly, because his condition was a bithectic, I didn't have time to ask the reason, he said that during the ABD exam he was released so", recalled Naufal.

What happened to Naufal has attracted the attention of many parties. Chairman of the DKI Jakarta Association of Persons with Disabilities (PPDI) Leindert Hermeinadi said the incident showed a lack of understanding of the needs of people with disabilities.

Leindert explained the importance of ABD for people with deaf disabilities.

"The budget is very vital, how can it happen like that? We as a disability organization see it feel too humiliated, harassed," said the man who is familiarly called Didi.

Didi further said that releasing ABD causes people with disabilities such as Naufal not to be optimal in taking exams and doing activities.

"He wants to be tested but can't hear, then how do you want to answer? That means his understanding of low disability. The tool is already a package. Like I'm wearing a wheelchair, it's already my leg instead. If it's tampered with, it's too personal," he added.

Naufal admitted that his concentration was disturbed after he was asked to release ABD while working on the exam questions by the committee. He heard a loud voice in his ears. In addition, Naufal also could not hear the committee's directions regarding his exam or seating position.

Because he lost focus, he admitted that he had difficulty answering some of the questions that should have been done. This is because Naufal feels that his brain balance is disturbed so he is confused and dizzy.

Naufal's statement was confirmed by an THT specialist from RSIA Anugerah Semarang, Alberta Widya Kristanti. He explained that deaf sufferers can experience problems when their ABD is released.

"They can't hear (so) communication difficulties," he said, citing Kompas.com.

According to the doctor called Berta, deaf sufferers who do not use ABD will also experience obstacles in socializing with other people. They can only communicate with sign language because they cannot hear. To get ABD, he continued, the patient must have a hearing test with a doctor. If indicated to be deaf, he will be installed by ABD according to his hearing condition.

Meanwhile, RSCM Jakarta doctor Tri Juda Airlangga added that the ears of deaf sufferers without ABD would be pleasing. This is also experienced if the equipment used is not properly regulated.

"Communication relations with the surroundings are not good. He cannot hear the instructions," said Tri Juda.

People with hearing and hearing need to check the condition of their hearing aid so that it is not dirty or rearranged according to hearing problems, as emphasized by Tri Juda. This must be done regularly in order to avoid ear irritation.

Regarding the deaf sufferer who was asked to release ABD while working on the exam, Tri Juda stated that the UTBK committee should have ensured that the tool was indeed used to help with hearing. The reason is, there are people who will indeed be disturbed if they do not use ABD.

"Maybe it doesn't focus because they usually hear instructions but it's not clear when releasing ABD," he added.