Understanding, Tips, To How To Find Dream Jobs Through Job Fair

YOGYAKARTA Many people think that job fair is the key for job seekers to get a dream job at a professional company. This assumption arises because many people have proven it. But getting a job at a work event is also not that easy. There are many things to learn before going to the event. This article will provide some important information related to job fair.

Reporting from the website of the Ministry of Manpower (Kemenaker), job fair is a service that will bring together job seekers and employers in one platform.

This event is usually held in a large area so that it can accommodate as many visitors as possible. In the event, companies will usually open mini booths or some kind of room to interview applicants in the early stages. In addition, information related to the company is also available so that they can be seen and read by job seekers.

In its development, job fair is not only held offline, currently there is also an online job fair service. Applicants can visit the job fair from anywhere without being present directly to the venue.

Job fairs are usually held by third parties, both private and government. They will facilitate companies and job seekers to meet each other.

Vendor will hold an event with various facilities that benefit searchers and job providers such as booths for job provider companies, career consultants, company information, networking, and so on.

The benefits of job fair can be reviewed from two points of view, namely in terms of work provider companies and job seekers.

In order to get a job that is in accordance with interests in the job market, job seekers are advised to pay attention to the following tips.

It is recommended to prepare the documents needed to apply for a job, both original and photocopy. Documents that must be prepared include ID cards, CV or resummation, job application letters, portfolios, photo, pen, and folders.

It is also recommended to bring a business card. The function of this card is to build networking so that the potential for a job is greater and wider.

For fresh graduates who try to find job opportunities in the career market, it is recommended to study the types of jobs and positions targeted. For example, if you want to go through the account officer profession, you are certainly advised to get to know the account officer profession.

It should be noted that the company's HRD will usually assess job applicants from the clothes worn. Therefore, it is recommended to wear plain clothes such as shirts, trousers, and shoes. Adjust clothes to the theme of the event being held.

3. Find Out The Company Targeted

It is also recommended to find out in depth the targeted company. Usually, the career market is held for several days. You can come on the first day and then record what the company is aiming for. Find out the credibility of the company on the internet to avoid unwanted things in the future.

Currently, there are many job exchange agendas that are held both online and offline. Here's how to find the latest job fair so you don't miss the information.

Job fair is a good opportunity that job seekers can have. Visit VOI.id to get information related to the profession in the world of work.