SYL Denied The Testimony Of Former Subordinates: I Never Asked For Money

JAKARTA - Former Minister of Agriculture (Mentan) Syahrul Yasin Limpo or SYL denied the testimony of his former subordinate, Kasdi Subagyono, regarding orders to withdraw or collect money from echelon I at the Ministry of Agriculture (Kementan).

Kasdi Subagyono is the Secretary General of the Ministry of Agriculture who is also a defendant in the case of extortion and acceptance of gratuities within the Ministry of Agriculture. He was presented as a crown witness for SYL and Muhammad Hatta as former Director of Agricultural Equipment and Machinery (Alsintan).

"I want to slightly reject Mr. Kasdi, apologize, I feel like I have never ordered, both of us and Hatta, Imam, or anyone else, to seek money, collect money, share-sharing. I reject that and in this trial it must be clear, I refuse. I do not usually do things like that," said SYL during a trial at the Jakarta Corruption Court, Wednesday, June 19.

According to him, asking or forcing money is an embarrassing act. Therefore SYL emphasized that he would not do it.

"There was no special meeting to discuss it with Hatta with Imam, with what, so I refused, sir, nothing like that. I am most embarrassed, apologize, beg and so on. Therefore, then I have never been active in asking for, or forcing," he said.

SYL also emphasized that he could not simply remove or replace echelon I at the Ministry of Agriculture.

It is proven by the issue of Momon Rusmono. He resigned as Secretary General of the Ministry of Agriculture not because he was removed but rather because he retired.

"Then in my opinion, until today, I have not fired anyone, I am not used to changing officials, starting from 30 years as an official, starting from the Regional Secretary, Regent, Deputy Governor, unusual. I used to use people until the end and retire, and it turned out to be proven with Momon and Musyafak," said SYL.

In this case, SYL was charged with extortion of up to Rp44.5 billion during the 2020-2023 period.

This action was carried out together with the Secretary General of the Ministry of Agriculture Kasdi Subagyono and the Director of Agricultural Equipment and Machinery of the Directorate General of Infrastructure and Facilities of the Ministry of Agriculture Muhammad Hatta.

This money was used for the benefit of Syahrul's wife and family, invited gifts, the NasDem Party, religious events, aircraft charters to Umrah and sacrifices. In addition, he was also charged with receiving gratuities of Rp40.6 billion from January 2020 to October 2023.