Is Your Skin Sensitive? Get To Know The 6 Characteristics

JAKARTA - People often think that sensitive skin is skin that is easily irritated. You may think that product use and environmental factors cause skin irritation with symptoms of redness, itching, and acne. In fact, several medical conditions such as rosacea, eczema, and dermatitis also show similar symptoms.

So, to find out whether your skin is sensitive or not, let's look at the following characteristics.

Reddish skin

Sensitive skin will show redness in the form of a red rash, red bumps, flushing, blushing, or even dilated red blood vessels. This redness will usually disappear if you keep it away with objects that cause irritation or minor treatments.

For sufferers who experience redness in the long term, laser treatment is needed to get rid of skin rashes.

Itchy skin

Sensitive skin usually feels itchy and tight, especially if the skin has just been exposed to harsh products. Using hot water, being in cold, and dry weather will usually aggravate the itching. Avoid scratching the itchy area as this can cause irritation and infection. Immediately visit a dermatologist if the itching is unbearable.

Stinging and burning skin

In addition to redness, exposure to products that are too harsh on sensitive skin also causes skin to sting and burn. When this happens, immediately rinse the skin with cold water to get rid of the stinging feeling.

Dry skin

People with sensitive skin tend to have dry, acne-prone skin conditions. Dry skin is caused when the skin tissue fails to protect the nerve endings in the skin properly so that the skin doesn't get enough moisture. Dry skin conditions will get worse when the weather is cold and dry, especially when exposed to wind. Use a thick textured moisturizer to protect the skin from dryness.

Peeled skin

Dry skin can cause flaking of the skin. This can certainly reduce self-confidence because dry and flaky skin will appear very rough. It's best not to peel off peeling skin, as this can put you at risk of infection and scarring.

Prone to breakouts

Sensitive skin is also prone to causing breakouts that look like pimples with red bumps and pustules. Immediately visit a doctor to find the right product to get rid of the breakout.