Twitter Users Are Angry With The Big Changes Elon Musk Has Made On X
JAKARTA - Social media users flocked to X (formerly Twitter) this morning after the launch of major changes that sparked outrage. This platform has officially started hiding everyone likes in posts.
Elon Musk, owner of X, claims that this change will "allow people to like posts without being attacked by them." Musk also stated that since he liked to be made personally, there has been a "big increase" in the number of likes.
However, many users are unhappy with this change. One user wrote, "Elon Musk must stop."
Through this change, everyone likes posts on X to be private. Users can only see their own likes, but can't see who likes other people's posts. Technical Team X states that these changes are made to protect user privacy. "This week we made Suka private for everyone to protect your privacy better," the team wrote in a tweet. The number of likes and other metrics for your own posts will still appear under a notification.
Elon Musk also shared a graph showing an increase in the number of likes within hours of the changes being implemented. "A big increase in likes once they are made private!" he tweeted.
Tentu banyak pengguna yang marah dengan perubahan ini. Salah satu pengguna menulis, "Suara pengguna sekarang bersifat pribadi? Elon Musk harus dihentikan." Pengguna lain bermain, "Twitter menghilangkan suka???? Saya akan menemukan cara," sambil men postingkan klip dari serial Netflix, You.
Another user said, "Like to be private, now I really have to take care of my own business," with the video of US President Joe Biden.
Response X:
Although this change is controversial, X claims that this step aims to provide a more secure and personal experience for all users. "postwriters can still see who likes the post," explained the Technical Team X.
With this step, X hopes to create a more positive environment and reduce social pressure that often arises from the number of likes that appear to the public.