Indonesian Congregants Begin To Arrive In Arafah In A Wave

MAKKAH- Indonesian Hajj candidates in waves began to arrive and occupy tents in Arafah in preparation for wusuf.

The arrival of the congregation in waves can be seen since Friday, June 14 morning. Three buses carrying worshipers from Karawang and Depok, West Java, arrived.

When the bus door arrived, it was still sealed and Masyariq officers then unsealed the sticker and invited the congregation to get off. The seal as a marker for the congregation has been checked for identity and so that no illegal pilgrims enter.

"The congregation was immediately directed by officers to enter the tent so as not to get hot," said Head of Sector 9 Ad HocAbrar Munanda as reported by ANTARA.

In the process, several tents were overcapacity because there were members of the congregation who wanted to be in a group in a tent or did not want to be separated from their entourage.

Even though in each tent there is already a list of names of who occupies the tent.

"Now the important thing is to enter the tent first. Then we will adjust the data according to the tents," said Abrar.

Raut was happy to radiate from the faces of the prospective hajj participants. They expressed their joy by expressing gratitude to Allah Almighty.

"I'm very happy to be here. Like a dream," said Ani Conscience, a congregation from Depok, West Java.

For Ani, Arafah is the place she has been waiting for while living in the Holy Land. Because she believes that the pilgrimage is in Arafah. He also did not have a problem with the small space in the tent.

"Let's be narrow in the hearts of field workers. Stay happy. Guests of Allah must be happy," said Ani.

On Friday, the congregation will stay in Arafah. The arrival of the congregation to Arafah starts from 08.00 to 21.30 local time.

The next day, Saturday (15/6), pilgrims for Hajj candidates will carry out wukuf in Arafah. After Maghrib, the congregation will gradually shift by bus to Muzdalifah for mabit. Then at midnight, the congregation will shift to Mina.

Later there will be 482 people who will take part in the wusuf safari. The details are 182 prospective pilgrims who are sick and treated at the Indonesian Hajj Health Clinic (KKHI). The rest are non-independent and disabled elderly pilgrims. They will take part in the wif of the bus and do not get off to the tent. When the jumrah counter is also represented by officers.