Excess And Lack Of Using The Kayu Floor As A Home Interior

YOGYAKARTA The use of wood as an interior floor in the world of architecture is indeed quite interesting. Not only adding aesthetics, the use of wood as a floor has a number of other advantages. If you plan to apply the design first, first know the advantages and disadvantages of using the wooden floor.

The advantage of using wood as the floor of the house has a number of advantages that the occupants will feel, namely as follows.

No one has denied that the use of wood material in the interior of the house, including on the floor, adds to the aesthetic impression of the building. This impression is obtained from fiber and natural wood color so there is no need for repainting. In fact, wood color is adapted to other materials, including being a good floor ceramic color for the house.

Wood installations on the floor can be done quickly, as long as the surface base is flat. Installation can save time so that progress will be more easily visible.

Wood is said to be safer than a concrete floor covered with ceramics or marble. Wood is also non-alergen. It is natural that many wooden floors are used in children's rooms.

Wood can reduce extreme temperatures both hot and cold so that the temperature inside the house is more stable. However, this benefit must be supported by other elements of the house, for example the existence of ventilation.

Wood is organic material so that it is more environmentally friendly. The use of wood also does not add to the construction waste.

If the floor in your house is meant not to be permanent, the wooden floor can be a solution. The demolition process is not too difficult.

Despite having a number of advantages, the wooden floor still has a shortage to consider, namely as follows.

Because wood is organic material, the owner of the house must carry out special care so that it lasts longer and its appearance is maintained. Maintenance must also be done so as not to be attacked by termites.

The better the wood, the more expensive the price. On the other hand, choosing wood with poor quality will actually make the appearance look bad too.

Wood can't stand the scratches of sharp objects such as knives, saws, or iron tips. This frying screen has the potential to interfere with beauty and shorten the age of the floor.

Water is the main enemy of wood, so that when the wooden floor is exposed to large amounts of water and decays and weathering can often occur. Not only water but also humidity. It is not recommended to install wooden floors in damp areas.

Floor separation can occur, and the changes are quite visible. Wood separation occurs due to temperature. However, there are other factors that can change the shape of wood, such as water levels in wood that are still high can trigger change.

Those are some of the advantages and disadvantages of using the wooden floor. Visit VOI.id to get more interesting information.