The Difference Between Botox And Filler, Often Thought To Be The Same, Even Though It's Different

YOGYAKARTA - To improve signs of aging, most people will choose filler and botox. So do you know what the difference between Botox and Filler is? Let's discuss it here!

The reason is, Botox itself is a common trading name for a substance known as the botulinum scientific name. The fungi of the Botox itself is to prevent and treat facial wrinkles.

Filler injections are also used to prevent or eliminate signs of aging on the face of a kind of wrinkle. The main difference between the two is that Botox reduces muscle activity on the face that causes wrinkles. Instead filler fills the problem area with collagen, which helps stimulate collagen growth in the face and fills and transports the skin to take over the lost collagen. The full information is below!

Here are the differences in botox and filler, including:

I. Kandungan

Botox is made from botulinum toxine which has been processed specifically so that it can be used for medical procedures. Botox is obtained from bacteria that are naturally encountered in the surrounding area.

On the other hand, the commonly used fillers come from certain such substances:

II. Use and How to Work

In cosmetic procedures, Botox is used to overcome fine wrinkles caused by muscle movement. This type of wrinkle is called movement wrinkles or facial expression lines.

Botox works by means of limiting neural signals to muscles. When the signal is disturbed, the muscles that are affected for a while will relax and do not move. Without these muscle movements, certain wrinkles can be reduced or even removed.

Botox injections are very much done to tackle the lattice in:

The effect of the botox injection procedure is not permanent. Generally, the results of this procedure last 3-12 months, depending on the type of treatment.

Botox and filler differences also lie in the use of Botox which is not only for cosmetic procedures. Botox can also be tried to cope with upper body seizures, juling eyes, excessive sweat (hyperhydrosis), severe headaches, and reduce indications of a weak bladder.

On the other hand, fillers work to overcome the reduced number of collagen in the body. Collagen himself decreases with age. If collagen decreases, the skin becomes sagging, thin, inelastic, and appears wrinkled.

Generally fillers are used for:

The results of filler injection are also not permanent. Some fillers last for 6 months, but there is also a filler that can last up to 2 years, let alone longer. For fillers who come from body fat, the resistance depends on how fast the body absorbs the fat again. In some circumstances, fillers need to be repeated several times so that they provide a perfect form or as desired.

III, Procedure Fees

Both Botox and filler are both procedures performed with injection. But there are differences in botox and filler in terms of costs. The budget for filler procedures is more diverse, depending on the type filler used.

IV. Risk

Botoxes or fillers are safe procedures and rarely cause side effects. But some kind of medical procedure usually, there is always the possibility of side effects.

Usage of Botox risks creating a kind of negative impact:

In addition, read also: What Is Botox Rawh: Understanding, Benefits, Pantangan, Time Needed.

So after knowing the differences in botox and filler, see other interesting news on VOI.ID, it's time to revolutionize news!