How And Tips For Facing Gen Z Employees That Can Be Done By Company Bosses

YOGYAKARTA Many leaders and HR parts have complained about the behavior of gen Z employees. Even though the complaints do not exist just to find out how and tips to deal with gene Z employees.

As is known, each generation has a way of expressing and has its own challenges. Likewise, Gen Z is often considered to like to complain but has high creativity beyond the previous generation. Then how and tips on dealing with gen Z children?

Generation Z or zoomers are those born from 1997 to 2012. If you have employees or colleagues of that age, look at the tips for dealing with them.

As explained earlier, Gen Z has a character that is more expressive than the previous generation. They do not hesitate to reveal how they feel, especially when under stress at work.

To avoid bad things that have an impact on work, try to establish more intimate communication with them. Communication will help them understand how to behave in a workplace filled with employees with various generations.

Generation Z is said to be difficult to be loyal to the company. But difficult doesn't mean you can't. HR must be able to find loopholes to make them loyal to the company. For example by giving them a reward for their good performance and the like.

Burnout can be interpreted as a stressful condition in the workplace for the work they do. Generation Z is quite aware of this condition so that they can be very reactive when they encounter such conditions.

In order to prevent burnout, try to provide several stress release sessions such as procuring games or a comfortable room with aromatherapy.

Gen Z prefers personal relationships. They will feel cared for when someone tries to guide them well. Therefore, it is not wrong if in the work environment there is a coaching session.

Not only about work, coaching can be related to work ethic, enthusiasm, self-development, and so on.

No matter anywhere and to anyone, Gen Z does not hesitate to criticize. They will speak out loud when experiencing injustice, including in the work environment. When Gen Z is treated unfairly with work problems, they will rebel strongly and demand for the things they should get. Therefore, the company must be careful to treat the Z gene.

It is recommended to provide training related to their work. Companies can include gene Z employees at the bootcamp or something like that to develop themselves.

That's how and tips on dealing with gene employee Z. Visit to get more interesting information.