What's The Difference Between Koyor And Kikil: Here's The Explanation

YOGYAKARTA - Kikil and Koyor's olahan is part of a cow that is so popular with many people. But do you know what's the difference between koyor and kikil? To answer that question, see the review below!

The reason is, apart from meat, there are also other parts of bone, muscle and fat. Of course, all of these parts have some terms that sometimes confuse some people.


The reason what is called comor is part of the cow's vein that does not have a thick part and bones. Usually the comor is taken from the cow's knee.


Unlike Koyor, the kikil is a thick part and has bones, usually the kikil is taken from the vulnerable bone. Usually the kikil has a fat texture.

Just like Koyor and Kikil, there are several names of beef that are often mistaken for the same thing but are actually different, namely swallowing and long-standing clothing similar to kikil and koyor.

Although it is often the same, some parts of beef are different. So what is the difference like?

Different Swallows With Lamur Weirs

I. Swallowed

Tetana is the remains of the meat attached to the bone. This part is amazingly delicious but fat. Swallows are generally used for tumisan or taken by the broth.

II. Sandung Lamur

Meat that comes from the lower part of the cow's chest, especially around the front leg, has the characteristics as one of the beef pieces that is rich in taste and has a fairly high fat content.

Not only that, the texture of the softness is its trademark. The thing that stands out very prominent, this meat has an affordable price. The peculiarity of the lambur clothing meat lies in its soft and fat rich texture, making it the perfect option for a soupy dish.

The juice from this meat absorbs into the broth, giving a distinctive touch of savory. When cut into small pieces, this meat is also easy and practical to enjoy, so that it is suitable as a dish such as soup.

When sorting the lambur clothing meat, it is important to get a fresh one so that the maximum taste. The characteristics of fresh lambur clothing meat include fat thickness that is balanced with meat, fresh red color without change, and without bad smell.

Koyor And Kikil's Recipes

Oseng Koyor Mercon


Smooth seasonings:

How to Make:

Soto Kikil


Additional seasonings:

Completion (Opsional)

How to Make:

In addition, you must also know what the "Difference of Beef and Goats" is.

So after knowing the difference between koyor and kikil, see other interesting news on VOI.ID, it's time to revolutionize news!