What Is Pupuk Urea? Check Out Understanding And Benefits
YOGYAKARTA What is urea fertilizer? Urea fertilizer is a plant fertilizer rich in nitrogen.
Nitrogen itself is one of the important elements needed by plants so that they can grow properly and produce according to farmers' expectations.
The nitrogen element found in urea fertilizer can help plant metabolism and provide other benefits.
If you want to get to know urea fertilizer and its benefits more deeply, you need to listen to the following reviews.
Compiled from various sources, urea fertilizer is a fertilizer for organic plants composed of carbon, oxygen, hydrogen, and nitrogen with the chemical formula CON2H4 or (NH)2CO.
Other names from urea are carbonide, issue, carbonyl silence, carbonide resin, and carbonylamine. These compounds are commonly used in European areas.
Urea is an organic compound synthesized from inorganic compounds. Urea is made from the reaction between ammonia (NH3) and carbon dioxide (CO2) in a chemical process into solid urea in terms of prill and granul.
Urea pril is then hosted for the food and industrial crop segments. While urea granul is more suitable for plantations and industry.
On the ground, urea will be hydrated and then release an ammonium ion. The nitrogen content in urea is 46 percent, but what plants usually use is only half the content.
Urea pril generally has a rough texture and is easily dissolved in water. This will make it easier for farmers to use this organic plant sprinkler with plant watering.
Even so, urea fertilizer is one type of fertilizer that can be easily bound by water. Therefore, urea fertilizer must be stored in a closed place, dry, and has a tight cover.
The use of urea fertilizer can provide many benefits, including:
1. Accelerate plant growth
High urea fertilizers of nitrogen elements can accelerate plant growth, so that the aka plants can be high quickly, the number of subsidiaries is large, and have large branches.
2. Improve protein content
In addition to accelerating plant growth, urea fertilizer use can also increase the amount of protein content in plants.
In addition, urea fertilizers can also be used for almost all types of plants, ranging from food crops, holticulture, plantation plants, or for livestock businesses and fishery businesses.
3. Increase crop production
Giving urea fertilizer to plants can increase crop production. Therefore, it is not surprising that this type of fertilizer is the main choice for farmers rather than other fertilizers.
However, it should be noted that urea fertilizer must be given at the right dose.
4. Make the plant greener and fresher
The last benefit of urea fertilizer is that it can make plants greener and fresher, and hangs on many green grains or commonly called chlorophylls. Chlorophylls have an important role in the process of plant photosynthesis.
That's information about what urea fertilizer is. Hopefully this article can add insight to the loyal readers of VOI.ID.