An Attempt To Withdraw Asabri's Case Into Civil Law, Mahfud MD Affirms That It Will Continue To Be Criminalized

JAKARTA - The Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal, and Security Affairs (Menko Polhukam) Mahfud MD said there were efforts to resolve the Asabri case in the civil domain.

This effort was conveyed by Mahfud MD after coordinating with Attorney General S.T. Burhanuddin at the Attorney General's Office (Kejagung).

"There are indeed efforts to resolve it outside the criminal law, so that it is resolved in a civil manner," Mahfud told reporters, Monday, March 15.

It is suspected that the effort to bring the case to the civil domain was because the handling of the Asabri case had not yet entered the file transfer stage.

However, in discussions with the AGO, the Asabri case fell into the realm of corruption. Therefore, Asabri's alleged corruption case will not be transferred to civil.

"So the problem of corruption in Asabri will still be resolved according to the legal construction built by the Attorney General's Office," said Mahfud.

In the future, if a civil case is found apart from the criminal act of corruption, the matter will be coordinated by State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN).

"(Asabri) will continue to run as a criminal act of corruption and cannot be negotiated again," concluded Mahfud.

The Attorney General's Office has named nine suspects in the alleged Asabri corruption case.

Two former Directors of PT. Asabri who were named as suspects, namely Major General (ret) Adam Rachmat Damiri and Sonny Widjaja. Meanwhile, the other seven suspects are Bachtiar Effendi who is a former finance director of PT. Asabri, Heri Setiono as Director of PT. Asabri.

Furthermore, Lukman Purnomosidi as the President Director of PT. Prima Network and Jimmy Sutopo who is Director of PT. Jakarta Emiten Investor Relations. Finally, Heru Hidayat and Benny Tjokrosaputro or Benny Tjokro.