Irish Bella Regrets The Habit Of Giving Gadgets To Children To Experiencing Speech Delay

JAKARTA - Celebrity Irish Bella said that her first child and her ex-husband, Ammar Zoni, experienced speech delays or hampered speech developments. Irish said that there were several factors that might be the cause, such as the moment when his son was born during the COVID-19 pandemic a few years ago.

Seeing his son experiencing obstacles in his growth and development, Irish said that his son is currently undergoing therapy and mentoring for speech delays.

"The water brother was born during the pandemic, and the child who was born during the pandemic was late in speaking, so he was also undergoing therapy and mentoring," said Irish Bella in the Mampang Prapatan area, Wednesday, June 5.

Apart from the time when Water was born during the pandemic, Irish also admitted that he had given gadgets to his eldest son too often.

Intending only as a form of entertainment for the child, Irish Bella does not realize the impact caused by it which ultimately makes her regret it.

"The name of the first child is indeed a lot wrong as a parent. Maybe in the past, gadgets were often given, or something was late, but now it is being repaired," said Irish Bella.

He also said that he did not know about the texture of the food that children had to eat after the MPASI, which was also a factor for their children to experience speech delay.

"I used to know too late that after the MPASI, the porridge had to go up in texture. If it's late, the child can talk late. From a young age, he has been given a gadget, saying it must be too late," he said.