PAN North Sumatra: InsyaAllah Zulkifli Hasan Restui Duet Bobby-Teguh

JAKARTA - The opportunity to pair Bobby Nasution and Teguh Santosa is getting wider. According to the North Sumatra National Mandate Party (PAN) DPW, Bobby and Teguh are complementary combinations, and close cooperation between the two can be trusted to make North Sumatra's development even better.

The Coordinator of the North Sumatra PAN DPW Pilkada Team Amirullah Hidayat told the media in Jakarta that seeing the development of the 2024 Pilgub dynamics, the North Sumatra PAN DPW opened the opportunity to propose Teguh Santosa to become a candidate for Deputy Governor in pairs with Bobby Nasution.

"According to our assessment, Teguh Santosa is right and worthy to accompany Bobby Afif Nasution in leading North Sumatra," Amirullah said in a written statement.

He has known Teguh for a long time as an activist and academic as well as a journalist with integrity and the ability to build national and international networks.

Teguh, who was born and raised in Medan, has a career in Jakarta after completing his S-1 education from Padjadjaran University in Bandung. Interest in the world of education encourages him to teach at Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University (UIN) Jakarta and the London School of Public Relations (LSPR) Jakarta. Teguh has also been the Vice Chancellor of Bung Karno University (UBK) from 2015 to 2019.

The University of Hawaii at Manoa (UHM) alumni in the United States is now a member of the PP Muhammadiyah International Relations and Cooperation Institute (LHKI) apart from being the Deputy Secretary General of the Sharia Economic Community (MES) for Foreign Affairs and Investment.

"For us, the pair Bobby and Teguh will be able to bring the development of North Sumatra even better. The North Sumatran PAN Regional Head Election Team has coordinated with Teguh Santosa, he is willing to accompany Bobby Nasution as Deputy Governor of North Sumatra," said Amirullah again.

Teguh submitted the registration documents as a candidate for deputy governor of North Sumatra to the PAN DPW on May 30. All the documents he submitted have been examined and declared valid. Furthermore, the North Sumatra PAN DPW will report and coordinate with the PAN DPP regarding the nomination of Teguh Santosa as Deputy Governor of North Sumatra. The final decision regarding this candidacy is at the PAN DPP.

"Bang Teguh has a good relationship with our General Chair, Abanganda Zulkifli Hasan. We are sure, he also knows the capacity of Bang Teguh, and God willing, he will approve," said Amirullah again.

Teguh, who has received an assignment from the Democratic Party to accompany Bobby Nasution, is now actively communicating with other parties from the Indonesian Coalition to Win (KIM), namely Gerindra, the Golkar Party, and PAN.