Pro-Palestinian Visitor Will Siege White House

JAKARTA - Pro-Palestinian activists demanding an end to the war in Gaza plan to surround the White House during weekend protests. Guards including barricade fences were prepared.

Advocacy groups and activists such as CODEPINK and the American Islamic Relations Council said demonstrations were planned for today, Saturday, June 9, marking eight months of Israel's war in Gaza that killed tens of thousands of people and caused a humanitarian crisis with widespread hunger and destruction.

The United States, Israel's main ally, has witnessed pro-Palestinian protests for months, ranging from demonstrations in Washington and demonstrations near the White House to blocking bridges and roads near train stations and airports in various cities and'settings' on many campuses.

At least eight officials have withdrawn from President Joe Biden's administration on the grounds of their rejection of his policies. Protesters have also disrupted several campaign events for Biden's re-elect. Biden is currently in France for official visits.

"As preparation for this weekend's events in Washington, DC, which has the potential to gather large numbers of people, additional security measures have been implemented near the White House complex," a spokesman for the US Secret Service said.

Biden and the White House previously said they supported peaceful protests but did not support "chaotic" and violence.

Protests at universities are often accompanied by violence. Meanwhile, the police made arrests on campuses to clean up the demonstrators camp.

Anti-war activists camping at the University of California, Los Angeles, were heavily attacked by mobs a few weeks ago.