Indonesian Celebrity Arrested By Saudi Police Allegedly Selling Illegal Hajj Visa

"MAKAH - A social media activist or celebrity from Indonesia has been detained by the security forces of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for allegedly promoting and selling illegal Hajj visas," said Indonesian Consul General Jeddah Yusron B. Ambary.

"The person concerned has been detained by security officers," said Yusron in Jeddah, ArabSaudi, as reported by ANTARA, Friday, June 7.

Yusron said there were pilgrims suspected of being victims of the celebgram. Currently, the Indonesian Consulate General is investigating their whereabouts in Makkah.

From the results of the initial investigation, the congregation who became the victim only had a pilgrimage visa. He was worried that the congregation was caught in a legal case for using a pilgrimage visa for pilgrimage.

Moreover, currently Saudi Arabia's security authorities routinely hold raids in a number of locations. Those who were caught going to Hajj without the official tasreh (visa hajj) were immediately arrested.

Raids were also held in cyberspace. Social media accounts selling Hajj visas without queues are also targeted. Social media activists or anyone caught selling unofficial hajj packages will be immediately secured.

"Mereka (jamaah) tidak ada yang mengurus saat ini. Pihak Arab Saudi sudah merazia akun-akun media sosial yang menjual visa haji tanpa antre. Arab Saudi akan menghasmikan haji tanpa produral dengan serius," ujarnya.

If you dive on social media such as Instagram, X (Twitter) and Tiktok, many users are found promoting Hajj visas without queues. The visa is classified as illegal.

Meanwhile, the quota for Hajj and visas is regulated in Law Number 8 of 2019 concerning the Implementation of Hajj and Umrah.

According to Yusron, some users of social media accounts live in Indonesia and abroad. Apart from being a travel, there is also an individual name.

"Some live in Saudi Arabia, some live in Indonesia. Many individuals too. However, we are more at handling victims in Saudi Arabia. Including those who are currently having problems, we are investigating their whereabouts," he said.