Some Of The Oldest Religions In The World: Here Are The Oldest Rows Of 7

YOGYAKARTA - Talking about religion is certainly something that is so interesting to discuss, Especially if you talk about the oldest religion in the world, do you know? Therefore, watch it until it's finished, yes!

The reason is, simply put, religion can be interpreted as a belief. In the big Indonesian dictionary, religious understanding is a system that regulates faith and worship to God and rules related to human and environmental interactions.

To make it more interesting, this time we will discuss some of the oldest religions in the world, here is the explanation:

I. Hindu-7000 Religion Before AD

For experts, the oldest religion or the first religion with the longest lifespan known to humans, namely Hinduism.

About 4000 years later, to be precise near the Indus River valley, the area around Pakistan.

The development began since the entry of the Arya people to India in 1500 before Masehi and had a major influence in the community at that time. The Hindu holy book is Regweda which is almost 35,000 years old.

II. Jewish-6000 Before Maseh

Or Jews are the oldest monotheistic religions in the world that the Israeli and Yehuda have begun to believe.

This religion is estimated to appear for the first time in 6000 before Masehi, precisely in Levant. Jews teach one God who rules people through fair and loving deeds.

III. Buddhist-2,600 BC

The Buddhists are among the oldest religions in the world whose founders are Sidharta Gautama, a prince from Nepal more than 2500 years ago.

It was first believed in the Indian continent's subsidiaries, precisely in today's modern Nepalese territory. In its development, the Buddhists consist of elements of Indian culture and Hellenistic or Greek culture, East Asia, Central Asia, and Southeast Asia.

IV. Zoroastrianism - 1500 BC

The oldest religion in the next world is Zoroastrianism with archaeological evidence from 1200 to 1500 BC. This trust develops in the ancient parcel area that we currently believe as Iran's country.

In Iran itself, Zoroastrianism is known as Mazda Yasna or belief in worshiping fun mazda as the formation of a wise God.

Religion or Zoroastrianism trusts the one God that Ahura Mazda says and they are not followers of fire, but they believe that the fire is a representative of light or wisdom from God.

V. Confusionism-600 BC

The oldest religion in the next world is Confusionism founded by Confusion of an anglisization with its real name Kungfutzu or Master Kung.

At first, Confusion had no intention of establishing a new belief or religion, but he was interested in reviving the values of teachings and beliefs in the Zhou Dynasty. Confusionism greatly affects the spiritual life and politics of the Chinese people of its time.

VI. Jainism

The oldest religion in the world is also known as Konfutse by a philosopher or social teacher. Jainism is very thick with ancient Chinese customs and believes the truth has been revealed at different times by Tirtankara or the prophet who reached the highest spiritual goal of his world.

This leader also trusted 24 Tirtankara with the last stage being called Mahavira, the founder of Jainism and a contemporary Buddhist.

Having the same tradition as Hinduism or Buddhism, which does not have a single religious text referred by its adherents.

VII. Taoism-500 BC

This belief stems from the teachings of Tao Te Ching which is a short book containing the teachings of Lao tzu. Taoism focuses on spiritual harmony, the lives of each individual, as well as religious rituals to achieve destruction.

This religion is famous for its teachings using the idea of unity and vice versa or Yin and Yang.

In addition, read also: KPK: Corruption is prohibited from religion but is still being carried out'.

So after knowing the oldest religion in the world, see other interesting news on VOI.ID, it's time to revolutionize news!