What Is Quarter Life Crisis? Causes, Signs, And How To Overcome It

YOGYAKARTA - When you become an adult, some people may experience a quarter life crisis. This condition is experienced by many people in the 20s to early 30s. Quarter lie crisis is a phase where a person feels anxiety or anxiety about his future.

Quarter life crisis can be said to be a common condition when individuals move from adolescence to adulthood. These times are indeed the point for an individual to reflect on the purpose of life, career, economy, romance, and so on.

The quarter life crisis period is not just a regular reflection, but can also interfere with mental health. This condition can trigger more severe problems, such as stress, insecure, and loss of life passion. That's why it's so much for young people to avoid the cause of the minority life crisis and recognize how to deal with it.

Quarter life crisis is defined as a quarter-century crisis. That is why this condition of concern about life and the future is synonymous with people in their early 20s to 30s. In this phase, individual ranges feel anxious, confused, and lose direction due to uncertainties in their future.

People who experience quarter life crisis usually worry about various things, such as careers, romantic relationships, social life, and others. As a result, this phase often makes a person feel that he has no purpose in life or even questions his existence as a human being.

This phenomenon reflects feelings of loss of direction and deeper search for identity amid significant changes in a person's life. Quarter life crisis can be recognized with symptoms such as anxiety, excessive worries about the future, as well as emotional and motivational changes.

Although not a medical illness, this condition can affect mental and emotional health. Therefore, understanding and overcoming the quarter life crisis is an important step to build a strong foundation in facing the challenges of maturity and achieving self-confidence.

A person experiencing a life crisis quarter can usually be seen from emotional changes and attitudes related to self-actualization and decision-making. The following are signs of a life crisis quarter that can be seen:

The condition of the quarter life crisis can be caused by a number of factors related to social pressure, hope and achievement, uncertainty of life, to changes in life. Here are some things that can cause a person to be in the quarter phase of life crisis:

It may be quite difficult to avoid the quarter phase of life crisis in each individual. But you can do some ways to overcome the condition of quarter life crisis so as not to affect mental health and daily life.

Here are some things you can do to overcome the quarter phase of life crisis in life:

Demikianlah review apa itu kuarter life crisis yang susang dialami oleh ini di masa perganalihan dari remaja ke dewasa. Jangan biarkan diri Anda terjebak dalam kondisi quarter life crisis dalam waktu lama karena bisa memperburuk kualitas hidup. Lakukan beberapa tips di atas untuk mengatasi quarter life crisis, sehingga bisa mempertikan dengan keadaan dan kembali semangat menjalankan hidup. Baca juga pola pikir yang mendukung kesuksesan.

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