What Is Someone Pleaser? Watch Out For This Can Affect Mental Health

YOGYAKARTA - Doing good deeds to people and making people around you happy doesn't really hurt. But, it's a different story if you tend to be a people pleaser or someone pleaser, that means they always want to please others in an exaggerated way, and to the point of using a way that isn't supposed to be. So, what is someone pleaser? Listen to the end, yes!

This can definitely result in not being good for yourself, because you tend to act for the benefit of others and other people can use this matter to control you. Therefore, let's know what someone pleaser is, its characteristics and impacts are.

People pleaser means someone who feels a strong urge to please others, especially at the expense of himself.

They may feel that their own willingness and needs are meaningless compared to the will of others, or they can change their personality around others.

You need to know that people pleaser is not a medical diagnosis or personality character measured by psychologists.

This is just an informal nickname that people use to describe various behaviors, such as wanting to do other people's work to make them happy, or sweet words to please others.

This is different from the nature of kindness or generosity. People who are good at helping others but can balance it with their own needs or needs as well.

However, people pleaser generally find it difficult to say no to every request.

Recognize The Characteristics Of People Pleaser/someone Pleaser

This attitude to always please other people can be in various forms, such as:

People with this attitude can also feel:

People Pleaser Impact For Mental Health

So people pleaser will harm themselves and will result in not being good enough for their own mental health.

Here are the impacts as people pleasers for mental health:

I. Hate

People pleaser can hate themselves because it is difficult to refuse other people's requests.

This causes them to become angry or frustrated. This feeling can manifest as a passive attitude of aggression, namely when someone says his anger indirectly, for example through jokes or lies.

II. Relationship issue

When someone is not happy, it can affect the relationship. For example, people pleaser may feel that their partner is using his willingness to help, thus creating conflict.

III. Loss of Identity

People who think a lot of things to please others may be not aware of what they want or feel.

This can cause them to lack understanding of their needs or who they are.

IV. Stress

This is the most common result that people often feel as a result of trying too hard to please others. The stress of the mind occurs when they feel overwhelmed or unable to overcome something.

For example, a solid agenda, a high workload, or a long list of tasks because it pleases others can make people pleaser over time become stressed.

Cannot act as it is, or ignore their true will or needs, it can also cause perpetrators to experience mental or anxious stress.

V. Fatigue

Acting too "softly", or very cheerful in front of other people, gradually can relax mentally and physically.

VI. Ignoring Yourself

Finally, being overly busy with other people's fun schedules also causes people pleasers not to have enough time and energy to pay attention to themselves.

As a result, they never maintain personal hygiene and their own appearance or focus on their mental and physical health, and their own careers.

In addition, you also need to know the Definition of 'Guilty Pleasure'.

So after knowing what someone pleaser is, see other interesting news on VOI.ID, it's time to revolutionize news!