Differences In Maag And Lambung Acids That Like To Confuse People

YOGYAKARTA - Stomach acid and ulcers are often the same, it's because the symptoms are almost similar, however, these are two different conditions. Stomach acid disease is a condition When stomach-induced acid rises to the concavity and results in an uncomfortable feeling like a chest that hurts to the heart. So, what are the differences in ulcers and stomach acid? Check out the review below, yes!

Maag itself is when the volume of the thick mucus layer that protects the natural stomach decreases, so that digestive acid erodes the tissue that envelops the stomach. These 2 conditions can cause severe complications without proper treatment.

Maag pain occurs when the natural composition of the stomach broadens and this condition can be exacerbated by stomach acid. So, you could say the main trigger is not stomach acid. The situation is different from stomach acid which is indeed caused by stomach acid itself. When stomach acid comes out of the stomach and enters the throat.

It was already informed that these two conditions have the same indication, but there are significant differences. Maag is often accompanied by indications such as:

On the other hand, stomach acid disease is generally characterized by acidic flavors behind the mouth, dry cough, concavity, difficulty swallowing, symptoms, a kind of asthma, a heartburn that increases as a response to some "trigger" foods, as well as indications that worsen when you are lying or bend.

As well as possible to find out for sure whether you are suffering from stomach acid or if you have stomach acid, go to a doctor for self-examination. Usually, when there is a suspicion, you will be recommended to carry out endoscopy.

If suspicion is more towards stomach acid, the doctor will carry out therapeutic tests involving taking acid-reducing drugs to see if it controls the symptoms you are experiencing.

Depending on how severe the indications you are experiencing, the doctor will also carry out several additional tests of the following kind:

I. Barium Study

Through this test, radiologists will take X-rays from their throats, stomachs, and intestines to find out if you have a boil or structural problems such as obstructions that trigger symptoms.

II. Endoscopic

This test is carried out when you are stunned where the doctor will insert a thin and flexible tube with a camera into the throat to see the interior of the stomach and stomach. The camera allows doctors to see ulcers or other problems, a kind of scar tissue in the throat that can be caused by stomach acid. An accurate diagnosis will help you determine the right treatment steps.

III. Blood Test

This will show whether you have been exposed to H. Pylori or not.

It is undeniable that a lifestyle can relieve symptoms if you have stomach acid or stomach disease. Alcohol and spicy food can slow down the healing process. Moreover, mental stress can also affect the healing process for these two diseases.

For those of you who have stomach acid disease, try it: 5 Leaf Boils for Lambung Acid, Easy Natural Medicines to Make".

So after knowing what the differences in ulcers and stomach acid are, see other interesting news on VOI.ID, it's time to revolutionize news!