Good Food Packaging Requirements, Types, And Rules

YOGYAKARTA Food packaging that is sold by circulating must meet the predetermined requirements and criteria. Fulfillment of good food packaging requirements is intended to keep food or food in good condition so as not to endanger consumer health.

In a book entitled Guidelines for the Implementation of the Regulation of the POM No. 20 of 2019 concerning Food Packaging, it is explained that food packaging is a material used to accommodate and/or wrap food, either in direct contact or not.

The main role of packaging in the food industry is to protect products from outside contamination, including food safety, maintained quality, and being able to increase food storage periods.

Reporting from the website of the Food and Drug Supervisory Agency (POM), one of the functions of packaging is to facilitate food in the distribution process. In addition, food ingredients will last longer if they are packaged properly. Not only related to food directly, consumers will feel comfortable if the ingredients purchased are well packaged.

Good food packaging must be able to provide protection from environmental influences such as light, oxygen, air humidity, microorganisms, insects, dust, unpleasant odors (odors), and so on, as well as physical influence of the mill of pressure, fall, vibration, and other conditions.

Currently, there are many food packages available, starting from paper made of polyvnil and metal. No matter the ingredients, food packaging must remain safe. The following are good packaging safety requirements, reported the POM.

In summary, the packaging used must be able to protect food both physically, chemically, and biologically. These conditions must be considered because some packaging materials have toxic effects on humans due to the influence of temperature and contact time on certain types of foodstuffs.

In a book entitled Food Packaging written by Dr. Mutiara Nugraheni, S.TP., M.Si explained, there are many types of food packaging available, namely as follows.

In Indonesia, there are several legal grounds that can be used as a reference for food packaging, namely as follows.

It is also recommended to understand the type of packaging for the food business so that products remain safe and consumer comfort is maintained.

That's information regarding the good food packaging requirements. To get other interesting information, visit