BCL's Husband Will Be Examined Regarding Allegations Of Embezzlement In Position Worth IDR 6.9 Billion

TANGERANG - The police will summon Tiko Pradipta Aryawardhana, Bunga Citra Lestari's husband (BCL) on suspicion of embezzlement in his position while serving as director at a food company in the Kuningan area, South Jakarta, along with his ex-wife Arina Winarto.

"Investigators will conduct an examination of the reported party, as a witness. And the reporter (Arina Winarko)", said Head of Public Relations of the Metro Jaya Police, Kombes Ade Ary Syam Indardi to reporters at the South Tangerang Police, Wednesday, June 5.

Regarding the chronology of the incident, Ade Ary explained that initially Tiko and Arina were still husband and wife, establishing a company engaged in food and beverage in the Kuningan area, South Jakarta.

"Where the reporter is the commissioner and Tiko's brother as the director of the company," said Ade Ary in a written statement, Tuesday, June 4.

Ade Ary explained, during the company's establishment, Arina deposited the capital that was put into a time deposit.

"And then the deposit was pawned at Bank Danamon KCP Panglima Polim. Until finally the restaurant ran until July 2019," he said.

In June 2021, when she divorced Tiko, Arina found the restaurant financial report document in 2017. However, when Arina matched the financial report data she had, there was a difference in the amount of money.

"Furthermore, the reporter checked a number of bank accounts, it was found that there were several odd transactions and it was not clear what they were used for," explained Ade Ary.

"It was found that there were several odd and unclear transactions used for anything," he said.

After the incident, AW decided to make a police report against her ex-husband, who is now BCL's husband, to the South Jakarta Metro Police. The report was received on July 23, 2022.

Meanwhile, the Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the South Jakarta Metro Police, AKBP Bintoro, said that the case was being investigated and is now entering the investigation stage.

"And now it has entered the investigation stage," he said.