Despite Being Healthy, These 7 Food Lists Must Be Considered

YOGYAKARTA When limiting consuming calories, someone chooses foods labeled low-calories or low-calories. In addition to choosing low-fat foods, for example labeled low-fat on milk. However, it turns out that healthy labeled foods need to be considered for diet. Here's a list of foods that you have to select if you are included in the daily diet menu.

In shops, it is very easy to find snacks for diet, including granola bars or granola bullion. This food is labeled healthy, even quite nutritious. But some products add sugar and contain very high calories. That means, check the composition of the ingredients behind the packaging. Usually it is written how much calories are in one meal. Well, if on a diet, it is also important to measure the daily value of sugar no more than 50 grams.

Yogurt can be a healthy diet choice. But it's a good idea to choose yogurt without sweeteners. Also avoid yogurt with flavors, because you will most likely add sugar even in small portions. Instead of choosing sweet yogurt, try adding yogurt without sweeteners with fresh fruit to add a natural sweet taste.

Many people think the higher the protein content of a food or drink, the healthier the food or drink. Some foods that are naturally sourced by protein include fish, eggs, nuts. The list of foods is healthy. But if foods are protein in the form of bars, or protein shake drinks, it may not be as healthy as it is assumed.

Launching Healtnline, Monday, June 3, many healthy people eat balanced foods and do not require additional protein through supplements. If you really need extra protein, just eat more protein-rich foods.

Usually, athletes drink energy drinks to increase their performance in the field. Although these energy drinks or sports drinks instantly help increase energy, this drink is not needed by most people. Energy drink products, containing many ingredients such as additional sugar, coloring, and large amounts of stimulants, such as caffeine.

For people with certain conditions, they avoid eating gluten-contained foods. However, even if a gluten-free labeled food is not necessarily healthier than a gluten-containing food. The reason is, processed snacks and sweets are gluten-free, it can contain more additional calories and sugar the same as regular snacks.

Make no mistake, just because certain foods are labeled as low in fat, then become healthier. Food producers often replace fat with sugar to cover the loss of taste. What's more, fat-free products may be less filling than fat-filled versions because fat is a macronutrient that supports feeling full and makes food more delicious to eat.

The body requires fats, including omega 6 and omega 3. Besides also requiring eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid. Unfortunately, modern dishes have a ratio of 20 times more to consume omega fat. Research found that imbalance in the ratio of omega 6 and omega-3 is associated with systemic inflammation that may contribute to the risk of disease. So limit the intake of high foods of omega 6 fats, including foods treated with soybean oil, corn oil, and other vegetable oils.

In addition to the seven lists of foods that are healthy but need to be considered as a diet menu, also pay attention to some products that substitute meat with plant-based ingredients. Such as plant-based meat products, which can be packaged in ultra-processed materials, a lot of salt, and sugar.