KPAI Asks South Tangerang City Government To Seriously Handle Obscenity Cases Against Children

TANGERANG - The Indonesian Child Protection Commission (KPAI) has asked the City Government (Pemkot) of South Tangerang (Tangsel) to prepare psychologist professionals to handle cases of sexual abuse experienced in their area. Not without reason, the goal is to restore the victim's psyche.

KPAI's proposal follows the case of a mother in Pondok Aren, South Tangerang who has the heart to molest her 5-year-old biological child in the house until it goes viral on social media.

Dian Sasmita as the KPAI Commissioner, said that the events experienced by the victims were likely to have a mental impact. Therefore, he asked the South Tangerang City Government (Pemkot) to prepare professional psychologists.

The request is based on Article 39 of child protection related to child rights which requires the state to take rehabilitative steps to help the victim's child.

The implementation is also carried out without discrimination and prioritizes the best interests for children.

"Local governments with the support of professional workers such as psychologists and social workers (Pexos) must immediately save X (victims) and continue with a series of interventions," said Dian in his statement, Monday, June 3.

Therefore, ananda X must get assistance, support for sustainable recovery and rehabilitation. Not based on a legal process, but until it is declared that X has recovered by a relevant psychologist," he continued.

Dian also reminded the local government to take this case seriously to create a healthy and child-friendly environment.

"Because violence against children can happen anywhere and by anyone. We all have to work together to create a safe environment for our children," he concluded.