Signs Of Young Pregnantness That Often Experienced Women

YOGYAKARTA Signs of young pregnancy experienced by everyone can be different, not infrequently a woman is not even aware that she is pregnant.

The most common signs of young pregnancy are late menstruation. This is usually experienced by women whose menstrual cycle is normal.

If the menstrual cycle is irregular, late menstruation may not be considered as a sign of young pregnancy.

To make it easier for you to understand, look at the signs of young pregnancy in the following reviews.

According to the American Pregnancy Associateton, signs of young pregnancy can be different for every woman. Some experience nausea and vomiting but do not feel implantation stomach cramps or vice versa.

In fact, women who have been pregnant may have different symptoms in every pregnancy.

Even so, there are characteristics of young pregnant people that are most common or often experienced by many women, including:

1. Breast and nipples changes

Most women will usually experience changes in the breasts in the first week of pregnancy. Breasts for pregnant women will generally become bigger and faster. In addition, the breasts also feel softer and smoother.

In fact, in some cases, the breasts feel pain, are sensitive, and uncomfortable, not enough to stop there, the aerola section will also grow and be darker in color.

These signs arise because there are hormonal changes and metabolic adaptations in the body of pregnant women to support the development of the fetus in the womb.

2. Late menstruation

The above has been mentioned that late menstruation is the most common sign of young pregnancy or is often experienced by many women.

Usually, signs of pregnancy are that there is no menstruation after 4-5 days or more from the date it should be.

If there is conception, the egg will stick to the uterine wall and continue to grow into jani within 9 months. After implantation, the body will release the HCG hormone in charge of maintaining pregnancy.

This hormone also orders egg protection to stop producing new egg cells when pregnant. Therefore, there will be no egg cells that overflow into menstrual blood.

Even so, it should be understood that late menstruation can also occur due to several factors, one of which is hormonal imbalance.

3. Nausea and vomiting in the morning

Nausea and vomiting in the morning also include signs of young pregnancy that often occur.

Although it occurs more often in the morning, nausea and vomiting when pregnant young can also occur throughout the day during the day, afternoon, or night.

Adapted from the American Pregnancy Association, more than 50 percent of pregnant women experience morning visits. These symptoms may occur in some women until the second trimester or even until the time of preparation for childbirth arrives.

4. Easy to get tired

In the first trimester of pregnancy, the body is usually more tired even though it doesn't do heavy work. This condition is caused by an increase in hormones at the beginning of pregnancy. These hormones can make pregnant women more sleepy.

5. Often urinating

The last signs of young pregnancy are frequent urination. Usually, these symptoms occur about 6-8 weeks after conception. This condition is caused by high hCG homonization, resulting in an increase in blood flow to the kidneys and increasing urine condition.

An increase in hormones also makes the bladder more sensitive, making it more difficult to hold back defecation.

That's the information about the signs of young pregnancy. Hopefully this article can add insight to the loyal readers of VOI.ID.