Symptoms Of Diabetes In Children 3 Years Old, Parents Must Be Aware

YOGYAKARTA - diabetes not only attacks adults, but also meghostesizes children. Diabetes can infect children at any age when the body does not produce insulin at all. Parents need to be aware of the symptoms of diabetes in children of 3 years.

Type 1 diabetes is the category of diabetes that most often attacks children. Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune disorder when the immune system damages cells in the pancreas that produce insulin. This condition makes the pancreas unable to produce insulin at all.

Parents need to adopt a healthy lifestyle in their children to avoid the threat of developing type 1 diabetes. So what are the symptoms of diabetes in 3 years old children that are important to know by parents.

Type 1 diabetes in children occurs when the child's body is no longer able to produce insulin hormones to regulate blood sugar levels. Blood sugar is too high can interfere with the function of the organs of the body. To meet insulin needs, parents can give children insulin injections.

The cause of type 1 diabetes in children is not known for certain. However, in some children who suffer from type 1 diabetes, this condition is caused by a weak immune system or autoimmune. As a result, bacteria, viruses, or even immune cells attack cells in the pancreas that produce insulin.

Type 2 diabetes in children is a chronic disease that requires special medical treatment. This disease is usually more common in adults, but now many are also found in children over 10 years of age or who are teenagers.

One of the causes of type 2 diabetes in children is the hereditary factor of parents who have similar conditions. However, there are many other factors that can cause this disease. Some of them are overweight in children, lack of physical activity, and often eating high sugar foods.

Symptoms of diabetes may not be clearly felt by children who experience this disease. However, the signs of diabetes in children can be said to be very common and similar, both type 1 and type 2 diabetes. Here are a number of symptoms of diabetes in children that you need to know:

Parents have an important role in maintaining children's health in order to avoid diabetes. Various steps can be applied by parents so that their children have a healthy lifestyle. Here are a number of actions that can be taken to treat diabetes in children at home:

Those are some symptoms of diabetes in 3 years of children that parents need to understand. Every parent is required to adopt a healthy lifestyle in their family, including paying attention to the development and condition of their child so that they are aware of health problems. Also read the symptoms of type 1 diabetes mellitus in children.

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