6 Drinks Of Kidney Stones, Try Consumption

YOGYAKARTA - Kidney stones are one of the diseases whose symptoms are often not realized. Kidney stone sufferers do not feel the symptoms of this disease. Kidney stone disease occurs because solid and hard deposits are formed that are similar to stones in the kidneys.

Symptoms felt by kidney stone sufferers include lower back pain, dengue urine, fever, nausea, or cloudy urine. One of the steps that can be done to overcome this disease is to consume kidney stone crushing drinks.

There are several types of drinks that are recommended to people with kidney stones. The following are recommendations for good drinks to be consumed to overcome the problem of kidney stones:

Kemangi leaves are often used as vegetables by the Indonesian people. These small leaves are also often processed into juice to deal with digestive disorders and inflammation.

According to a study published in the Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences in 2020, trials on mice show that kemangi juice can help support kidney function due to anti-inflammatory content and anti-inflammatory properties.

However, more research is needed in humans to understand the relationship between kemangi juice and kidney stones. In addition, the side effects of long-term consumption of kemangi juice are also not known for sure.

Apple essence contains acetate acid which is claimed to dissolve kidney stones. In addition to cleaning the kidneys, apple juice vinegar can also help reduce pain due to kidney stones.

According to a study published in eBioMedicine, consumption of vinegar can reduce kidney stone formation. Currently, clinical trials in humans are being conducted to compare the effectiveness of apple juice vinegar with several other drinks in preventing kidney stones.

But make sure you don't consume more than one glass of 236 mL mixed with water and apple juice vinegar per day. In addition, don't consume large amounts of apple juice vinegar because it can damage dental email, cause stomach acid to rise, and cause sore throat.

Water is claimed to help accelerate the process of releasing kidney stones by increasing the intake of water in the body. A study published by the National Library of Medicine suggests that one needs to consume enough water to produce about two liters of urine to prevent kidney stones. Keep in mind that dehydration is also one of the main risk factors for the formation of kidney stones.

According to a study published by the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, adding lemon juice into the water can prevent the formation of calcium stones in the kidneys. Lemon contains a sitrate that is claimed to break up small stones so that it is easier to remove.

A study published in the Clinical Kidney Journal in 2020 found that potassium citrate supplements can reduce the risk factors for kidney stones in people who have previously had kidney stones. In addition, lemon has many health benefits for the body, such as helping to inhibit bacterial growth and providing vitamin C for the body.

Celery is used in some traditional medicines as a cure for kidney stones. A study in 2019 published in the Journal of Pharmacy and BioAllied Sciences found that celery extract helps break down kidney stones in mice.

Kaldu from red beans is a traditional dish in India. Some people claim that this drug can improve the health of urinary and kidney tracts, although scientific evidence that supports its efficacy is still limited. If you are interested in trying it, filter the liquid from cooked beans and drink it several times a day.

Those are some drinks that can be consumed by people with this health problem. Kidney stone sufferers can consume a number of drinks above as a treatment measure. Also read drinks and kidney sanitizer foods.

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