Why Do You Need Cardio Exercise? Know These 5 Benefits For Your Heart

JAKARTA - Sports activity has a big effect on health. No matter what kind of sports, any exercise that is sweaty and involves the muscles of the body will be healthy. Including cardio exercise which actually functions to regulate heart rate regularity.

Cardio exercise can also stabilize your respiratory rate. By doing cardio exercise regularly, a person can absorb the following benefits for health.

It carries more oxygen throughout the body

The distribution of oxygen throughout the body is largely the responsibility of the heart and lungs. The heart carries oxygen in the bloodstream. Types of cardio exercises that can be done include walking, rope jumping or skipping, jogging, cycling, jumping jacks, and mountain climbing.

It boosts immunity

Cardio exercise that has been shown to significantly increase immunity is cycling. This study compared amateur cyclists with people who had never exercised.

The findings showed that strong muscle and less fat accumulated in the body turned out to have a good immune system.

It increases lung capacity

Not only the heart, but cardio exercise is also related to important organs like the lungs can reduce the risk of shortness of breath and chronic problems.

It is recommended that when doing cardio exercise, it is necessary to warm up and cool down. This method is done to avoid cramps and other muscle problems.

It minimizes bone problems

The cardio exercise involves all muscles in the body. This type of exercise can also strengthen bone density as well as tighten muscles and lose weight slowly.

It can improve mood

Stress and overthinking are the origins of many internal diseases. Starting from diabetes, heart to cholesterol. To reduce this risk, you can do regular exercise.

Illustration of getting ready for sports (Unsplash / juan Pablo Rodriguez)

Some mood-related issues are the focus on when receiving information. In a study of creativity, sweat can lubricate creative thinking. When completing a large task, a person needs to move his body, one of which is with sports movements.

The benefits are easier to focus, more creative, and a better mood. Besides that, exercise is also useful for making you sleep better.

Kerry Stewart, Ed.D., physiologist, and exercise at Johns Hopkins said that aerobic exercise and endurance exercise - known as cardio exercise - is important to maintain heart health.

Ideally, cardio exercise takes 20 minutes. If in one week on average, it takes 150 minutes for cardio, especially for those of you who have medium activity.

Meanwhile, to shed belly fat, moderate to high cardio exercise is needed plus a focus on endurance exercises such as push-ups, squats, and chin-ups.