The Head Of The NTB Sekotong Regional Islamic Boarding School Is Wanted By The Police After 4 Female Students Become Victims Of Sexual Harassment

Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of West Lombok Police, West Nusa Tenggara (NTB), Iptu Abisatya Darma Wiryatmaja revealed that the victims of cases of alleged sexual harassment that occurred at Islamic boarding schools (ponpes) in the Sekotong area were four female students."There were four victims. One was sexually assaulted, three were molested," said Iptu Abisatya in Mataram, quoted from Antara, Thursday, May 30.Of the four victims, the police have carried out a post-mortem. Abisatya confirmed that the results had been pocketed by investigators. "The results of the post-mortem, they are already there, we have obtained them," he said.Now the police are just waiting for the reported person who is still in the process of being searched in the field. In this effort, Abisatya suspected that the reported person was still on the island of Lombok."We are still searching, so far we suspect that the reported person is still in Lombok," he said.The reported party in the case of sexual harassment by female students is the head of the Islamic boarding school with the initials MA who has lost himself since Wednesday, May 8.
The reported party disappeared when there was a reaction from a group of people who came to attack and destroy the boarding school. The attack was the aftermath of the alleged reported sexual harassment of the victim.