Waiting For Bills, Kompak's Wife And Children Want To Return Money From The Ministry Of Agriculture Corrupted By SYL

JAKARTA - Syahrul Yasin Limpo's family or SYL stated that they had intended to return the money from the Ministry of Agriculture (Kementan) which was enjoyed for certain purposes.The intention was conveyed by SYL's children and wives, Kemal Redindo Syahrul and Ayun Sri Harahap when they were witnesses in the trial of cases of alleged extortion and acceptance of gratuities.“ Do you have any good intentions to return the money? ” asked Chief Judge Rianto Adam Pontoh during a trial at the Corruption Court at the Central Jakarta District Court, Wednesday, May 29.“God willing, Your Majesty, ” Kemal replied.Similarly, Ayun Sri Harahap also said that he would return the country's money. One of them is the Ministry of Agriculture's money used for Umrah trips.“Khusus untuk umrah, kami sudah menunggu,” ucap Ayun yang kemudian dituncang oleh Hakim Riato.“Returning the money? ” asked Judge Rianto for sure."“Waiting for Your Majesty's bills, bills, bills not yet come so we haven't paid yet," Ayum replied.Hearing this, Judge Rianto asked the KPK prosecutor to calculate the total state money that had been used by the SYL family. So, it can be returned immediately." “ The return of state money to the KPK does not invalidate criminal indications and it is only one of the mitigating factors but if there is good intentions it is better because this concerns state money. The witnesses have acknowledged and want to return it,” said Rianto."“ Please coordinate with the KPK prosecutor later and please if there is good intentions before the demands are read out," Rianto continued.In this case, SYL was charged with extorting his subordinates and receiving gratuities of up to Rp. 44.5 billion while occupying a position as Minister of Agriculture. This tens of billions of money was used for SYL's personal interests and his family.
Some of them were revealed for invitation gifts, the Nasdem Party, religious events, aircraft charters, natural disaster assistance, overseas needs, Umrah, and sacrifices.