Terungkap Di Pengadilan! Biduan Nayunda Dibelikan Necklace Emas Oleh SYL

JAKARTA - The singer Nayunda Nabila Nizrinah admitted that Muhammad Hatta, a gold necklace, a subordinate of Syahrul Yasin Limpo (SYL) when he was Minister of Agriculture (Mentan).

The confession of the dancer was conveyed when questioned by Chief Judge Rianto Adam Pontoh about whether or not there was a gift from the defendants, namely, SYL, Kasdi Subagyono, and Muhammad Hatta.

"Have you ever bought a gold necklace?" asked Judge Rianto during a trial at the Corruption Court at the Central Jakarta District Court, Wednesday, May 29.

"Oh, yes," replied Nayunda.

Nayunda explained that the gold necklace was obtained when she received a gift from Muhammad Hatta.

The gold necklace is stored in it. In addition, there are several other items but they are not explained in detail.

"That's all Your Majesty, so there's a bag, there's a bag in the paper bag too, that's it," said Nayunda.

Hearing this testimony, the judge confirmed the party who gave the gold necklace. Nayunda emphasized that Muhammad Hatta had handed it over to him.

"Oh, the gold necklace was handed over by M. Hatta?" asked Judge Rianto.

"Yes," said Nayunda.

In this case, SYL was charged with extorting his subordinates and receiving gratuities of up to Rp. 44.5 billion while occupying a position as Minister of Agriculture. This tens of billions of money was used for SYL's personal interests and his family.

Some of them were revealed for invitation gifts, the Nasdem Party, religious events, aircraft charters, natural disaster assistance, overseas needs, Umrah, and sacrifices.