Microsoft Edge Uses Latest Architecture To Accelerate Browser Performance

JAKARTA Slow-working browsers are not something new, even for browsers like Microsoft Edge. In order for Microsoft to maintain a good user experience, this problem must be addressed. Microsoft has updated Edge and made its browser performance much faster. Compared to reducing existing features, the company makes users interfaces on Edge more responsive than ever before. Microsoft converts the Essentials Browser to 42 percent faster as it has migrated from React in Javascript to WebUI2.0. This menu is claimed to be 76 percent faster on devices without SSD or devices with less than 8GB RAM. "The Essentials browser is the first Edge feature we converted to test the new architecture and proves that the concept is successful, especially on all types of devices," Microsoft said on its forum website. Microsoft decided to switch to WebUI2.0 after realizing that using too large a collection of code sets. By using a more modular architecture, the performance of the website will become more modern.

In addition to carrying out architectural migration, Microsoft is also increasing speed in some of Edge's favorite menus. In build 124, various features such as history, downloads, and wallets will get an increase in WebUI2.0. The efficiency will reach 40 percent. "We are in the process of improving the Edge user interface component to WebUI 2.0 and you can see more browser features to be much more responsive over time," Microsoft explained.