PDIP Apologizes Cadres Become Constitutional Violators

JAKARTA - Chairman of the PDI-P (PDIP) DPP Puan Maharani read out external recommendations at the closing of the PDIP National Working Meeting today, Sunday, May 26. One of them is related to cadres who violate ethics and the constitution.

Initially, Puan thanked the Indonesian people who had supported the Ganjar Pranowo-Mahfud MD pair in the 2024 presidential election when they started reading recommendations. This remarks was also conveyed for PDIP voters who made the party bearing the bull symbol win for the third time in parliament.

Rakernas V Partai mengucapkan terima kasih kepada seluruh rakyat Indonesia yang telah memberikan dukungan kepada Ganjar Pranowo dan Prof. Mahfud MD dan PDI Perjuangan dipercaya rakyat memenangkan pemilu legislatif tiga kali berturut-turut, kata Puan membacakan rekomendasi saat penutupan Rakernas V PDIP di Beach City International Stadium, Ancol, Jakarta Utara, Minggu, 26 Mei.

"People's trust must be realized to improve the three pillars of the party, namely structural, legislative, and executive," he continued.

After that, this recommendation discussed cadres who violated discipline and political ethics. Puan on behalf of PDIP apologized for their actions.

"In connection with the behavior of party cadres who do not uphold political ethics, are not disciplined, and do things that are contrary to party ideology and violate decisions and democracy, the Rakernas V Party apologizes to all Indonesian people," said the chairman of the DPR RI.

Puan said PDIP would try to prevent this kind of incident from happening again. Recommendations to perfect the recruitment system, regeneration to party assignments have been formulated.

"So that what happens with irregularities in the behavior of cadres in the 2024 election does not happen again," he said.

As previously reported, PDIP will hold a National Working Meeting (Rakernas) V on May 24-26, 2024, at the Ancol Beach City International Stadium, Jakarta. The theme presented is 'Satyam Eva Jayate, Truth Must Win' with the theme 'The Power of People's Unity, The Way of Truth.

This activity was attended by 4,858 participants consisting of all party functions such as the Party DPP; Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer of the DPD and DPC Party; Member of the DPR RI; the party body and wing; Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer of the Foreign Leadership Council (DPLN) from 16 countries.