Glagah Towards Superior Tourism, Kulon Progo DPRD: This Is A Challenge That Needs To Be Serious

DIY - Yogyakarta Special Region is considered to have a number of new potentials in the tourism sector. And Glagah is said to be one of the areas that can be managed as superior tourism.

Muhtarom Asrori, Deputy Chair I of the Kulon Progo DPRD, asked the local Tourism Office to turn Congot and Glagah Beach into excellent tours in line with the night culinary tour plan at the Glagah Culinary Plaza.

Muhtarom, in Kulon Progo, Sunday, said the existence of Yogyakarta International Airport and the establishment of many hotels would support Glagah and Congot tourism.

According to him, the Regency Government can imitate Madiun City with night tours, which are decorated with colorful and bright lights.

"This can also be imitated in the Glagah to Congot culinary Plaza area, as long as it doesn't interfere with flights," Muhtarom was quoted as saying by ANTARA.

According to him, the Glagah and Congot areas are given bright lights and colorful colors will look attractive when viewed from the airport so that it will create curiosity who will eventually visit.

"The thing that is no less important is that Glagah's entrance can be widened in order to support the tour," he said.

In addition, Muhtarom continued, the Kulon Progo Agriculture and Food Service can collaborate to make surjan fields, which have been designated as cultural assets in order to attract tourists, especially for educational tourism.

In addition, the Agriculture and Food Service is to be able to make a pilot community fruit plantations around YIA Airport in collaboration with the village head and optimize existing groups.

"This is a challenge that needs to be taken seriously and worked on properly, not just proud of the surjan rice fields to become cultural assets, without any added value for the owners/committers and the surrounding community," he said.

Responding to this, the Head of the Kulon Progo Tourism Office, Joko Mursito, strongly agreed with the development of Glagah Beach and Congot. This was in accordance with the orders of the Governor of Yogyakarta Sri Sultan HB X during a working visit to Kulon Progo some time ago.

"We agreed and we are ready," he said.

He said the Glagah Culinary Plaza was compensation for the construction of Yogyakarta International Airport.

There, there are two blocks, namely a special culinary block and a souvenir block. Economic actors in the Glagah Beach area are given space to carry out economic activities with culinary and souvenirs.

"The Glagah Culinary PLAza is designed to be sustainable and distant," he said.

Joko also said that the development of Glagah and Congot was hampered by the budget given the limitations of the Kulon Progo Regional Budget.