The Indonesian Government Provides Assistance To Rohingya Refugees In Aceh In Today's Memory, May 25, 2015

JAKARTA Memories of today, nine years ago, May 25, 2015, the Indonesian government spent a budget of IDR 2.3 billion to help Rohingya refugees in Aceh. The assistance was provided so that Rohingya refugees could fulfill their daily lives.

Previously, ethnic Rohingya had often been a stepchild in Myanmar. The Myanmar government never wanted to admit Rohingya to being a ethnic and citizen. This condition makes them not get their basic rights. They are like being kicked out of Myanmar.

The struggle for independence throughout Myanmar in 1948 was meaningless for the Rohingya ethnicity. They feel that they are not independent in Myanmar's life. In fact, they have settled and have children in Arakan, Rakhine, Myanmar.

The Myanmar government has never officially recognized them, both ethnically and as citizens. This condition made their basic and political rights not recognized. The Rohingya was also officially declared non-national in 1982.

The absence of rights makes racial sentiment wide open. Social jealousy began to rise. Many official ethnicities do not like that the Rohingya ethnicity has a better life. Provocations ensued.

Ethnic Rohingya often gains persecution and lives in the shadow of fear. This condition made them choose to flee to various countries. The option was taken because their lives began to be threatened in Myanmar.

Indonesia is also the destination country. At first, Rohingya was not given the opportunity to land in Aceh. The Indonesian government only agreed to provide them with assistance while on the boat.

This condition is because Indonesia does not ratify international rules related to evacuation. However, slowly many of the Rohingyas chose to swim to the mainland of Aceh. This condition was then followed by many other refugees.

Refugees were warmly welcomed by the people of Aceh. They are given assistance, from clothes to food.

"For the Rohingya tribe, as long as it passes through the Malacca Strait, if there are difficulties in the sea, it must be assisted. If there is difficulty with water or food we help, because this is related to humanity. But if they enter our territory, then the TNI's job is to maintain sovereignty," said the TNI Commander, Moeldoko as quoted on the page, May 15, 2015.

The Indonesian government also does not want to take firm action directly against Myanmar refugees. The power of attorney has begun to act on behalf of humanity. Indonesia provides temporary shelter.

After that, it was the duty of the world organization that regulates UNHCR evacuation to carry out its duties. The Minister of Social Affairs, Khofifah Indar Parawansa, said the Government had disbursed a budget of IDR 2.3 billion on May 25, 2015.

The budget was prepared to meet the needs of Rohingya refugees in Aceh. The assistance was given solely on humanitarian grounds.

"In total there are Rp2.3 billion for four refugee locations, and priority is for the needs of clothing, blankets, children's clothes, family kits, mattresses and tents. The budget is from social disaster funds in the directorate of social disasters".

"So quite a lot of them are her husbands in Malaysia, then their wives and children in Aceh. We don't want them to be separated from their families, Foreign Minister Retno and the Malaysian Foreign Minister have communicated regarding the importance of reunification. The government's decision, they are prepared here for one year. We will make the best format, the most important thing is not to let them be separated from their families," said Khofifah, quoted by ANTARA, May 25, 2015.