PKS Still Discussing Anies' Candidacy In The Jakarta Pilkada After Proposed

JAKARTA - The Central Executive Board (DPP) of the Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) said it would still discuss the proposal of the PKS Jakarta Regional Leadership Council (DPTW) which brought Anies Baswedan as a candidate for governor of Jakarta.Chairman of the PKS DPP for Public Relations Ahmad Mabruri said, in the final mechanism, the proposal would still be discussed at the central level before it was decided."Yes, that's right, DPTW Jakarta has decided to propose Anies Baswedan as the Governor to the DPP. Next, there is an internal mechanism. So, we are waiting for the DPP decision,” said Mabruri in a press release received in Jakarta, Antara, Friday, May 24.Currently, PKS is still considering several other names, including cadres from internal to become leaders in Jakarta.Yesterday's election, Alhamdulillah, PKS was mandated to become the winning party in Jakarta. Of course there is hope that it can propose its cadres to fill the seat of Governor of Jakarta,” he said.He also mentioned that his party continues to communicate with other parties to build a coalition towards the Jakarta Pilkada."What is clear is that PKS cannot be alone, must partner. Therefore, communication with other parties also continues. We want to bring up the best for the citizens of Jakarta, ” he said.Previously, PKS Secretary General Aboe Bakar Al Habsyi said his party was still considering Anies Baswedan's participation in the Jakarta Pilkada.He said that apart from Anies, there are several names that are being considered for the Pilkada, one of which is PKS President Ahmad Syaikhu.Meanwhile, PKS and Golkar opened the door to the coalition towards the Jakarta Pilkada. This was shown by the arrival of the DKI Jakarta Golkar DPD to the DKI Jakarta PKS DPTW Office on May 15, 2024.
Chairman of the DKI Jakarta PKS DPTW Khoirudin hopes that the meeting will be a positive first step towards the Jakarta Pilkada which will take place next November."Even though PKS won in Jakarta, it was not enough to go forward alone, so we are in a coalition with anyone to be together in Jakarta," he said.