Anies Baswedan Becomes Spokesperson For Jokowi's Winning Team Jusuf Kalla In Today's Memory, May 23, 2014

JAKARTA Memories of today, 10 years ago, May 23, 2014, Anies Baswedan was appointed by the Team for Winning Joko Widodo (Jokowi) Jusuf Kalla (JK) as a spokesman. The election was due to Anies's capacity in terms of public communication.

Previously, the 2014 presidential election was greeted with great fanfare. The Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDIP) advanced Jokowi-JK. Meanwhile, the Greater Indonesia Movement Party (Gerindra) advanced Prabowo Subianto-Hatta Rajasa. The two pairs will fight to get the sympathy of the Indonesian people.

The attitude of President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) who agreed to be neutral makes the 2014 presidential election even more exciting. The democratic party is considered more colorful and courageous. PDIP, for example. The party bearing the white-nosed bull no longer advances its chairman, Megawati Soekarnoputri.

They chose a new face as a presidential candidate. The figure is Jokowi. Jokowi's election was not without reason. Jokowi's greatness in every political contest has been tested. The governor of DKI Jakarta has won the Solo Pilkada twice and excelled in the DKI Jakarta gubernatorial election.

Jokowi was also paired with JK. Different PDIP, Different Gerindra. The party actually re-arrogated their chairman, Prabowo, who was then paired with Hatta Rajasa. Prabowo's election is considered the right option. The electability is high.

The party machines are starting to heat up. Campaign strategy began to be packaged. The programs are starting to be prepared. The goal is that each candidate can win the presidential election which will take place on July 9, 2014.

The faces of Jokowi-JK and Prabowo-Hatta are everywhere. All of this was done so that the Indonesian people had adequate provisions related to their political choices. As a result, discussions and discussions related to who deserves to appear everywhere, from public spaces to campus spaces.

This nation's property is too great if we don't get complete and accurate information about those competing to become the number one person in Indonesia after the July presidential election. For the same purpose, we have the right to talk about the character of the presidential candidate.

Which one is more profitable for Indonesia in the future: having an honest and simple president but still having to build a firm vision or presidential candidate but dealing with the vision he has outlined? Is Indonesia's fate in the next five years better if it is led by a presidential candidate who wants to hear and learn or a vice presidential candidate who feels he is complete? " said Dodi Ambardi in his writing in Tempo magazine entitled Presidential Election and Black Campaign (2014).

Program plans launched may be good. However, to communicate it is not enough with posters or grand campaigns. Both candidates need a spokesman who is qualified to communicate excess presidential and vice presidential candidates.

Jokowi-JK, for example. Jokowi-JK's winning team did not want to arbitrarily choose a spokesman. They want Jokowi's spokesman to be a figure who is known to the public and has good communication and reputation. The criteria are in fact in Anies Baswedan.

The Chancellor of Paramadina University was considered the spokesman for Jokowi-JK on May 23, 2014. Jokowi-JK's winning team did not doubt what Anies had done in the past few years. They did not doubt Anies Baswedan's public communication affairs. They have considered everything to choose Anies as a spokesman.

"Considering everything, electoral and capability," said Deputy Secretary General of the PDI-Perjuangan DPP Hasto Kristiyanto at the Nasdem Party DPP Office as quoted by the page, May 23, 2014.