Governor Viktor Laiskodat Thanked The Ministry Of Transportation For Revitalizing Bolok Port
KUPANG - The Governor of East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) Viktor Bungtilu Laiskodat thanked PT. ASDP Indonesia Ferry (Persero) and the Ministry of Transportation (Kemenhub) for revitalizing and rehabilitating Port II of Bolok Port in Kupang. This port will help the transportation sector in NTT.
"As an archipelagic province, we have no choice not to encourage land, sea, and air transportation. NTT will have this kind of crossing. It has been difficult for us to go to Rote", said Viktor in his official statement, Thursday, March 11.
Viktor hopes that later the islands in NTT will become a united ring of beauty with different natural characteristics that can be connected with the presence of this ship and dock. This includes providing ferry transportation services for the people of NTT and its surroundings.
It is known that NTT Province has 40 crossings with details of 24 commercial routes and 16 pioneer routes served by 14 ships. The 14 vessels consisting of 10 vessels served by the State-owned Enterprises (BUMN), 3 vessels from Regional-owned Enterprises (BUMD), and 1 private unit.
Bolok Port itself serves 22 crossings consisting of 8 commercial crossings and 14 pioneer routes, all of which are trans-provincial. The 22 crossings are served by 11 ships, namely 10 PT. ASDP Indonesia Ferry (Persero) and 1 private vessel, namely PT. Multi Guna.
"The ferry transportation in NTT is indeed very important to connect areas from cities to remote areas. Therefore I hope for cooperation from the Governor if there are things or activities that are infrastructure in the Ministry of Transportation. We hope that the people of NTT can maintain it well", said Secretary of the Directorate General of Land Transportation, Marta Hardisarwono.
Previously in 2020, the number of transportation at Bolok Port had decreased due to the COVID-19 pandemic. In the 2021 fiscal year, the value of operational subsidies for pioneer ferry boats allocated to 16 routes in NTT is IDR 40.6 billion.