Junior High School Students In Tebet Falls From The 3rd Floor Of The School Building

JAKARTA - A student reportedly jumped from the 3rd floor of junior high school in the Tebet area, South Jakarta, Monday morning, May 20. A witness around the scene with the initials B said that the victim managed to survive, but suffered several serious injuries to his body.

"The child jumped from the top of the 3rd floor in grade 9, that's usually the roof of the roof canopy. Maybe twice, maybe not immediately falling. So the tiles, tiles, new tiles, the lower floors," said B when confirmed, Monday, May 20.

Based on information received by his wife, the victim allegedly experienced bullying by his friends.

"This has been circulating, because I just heard the language being bullied from my wife. That seems like the child was early in the morning. I said it was safe to live. The incident happened in the afternoon, "he said.

He also said that before the victim jumped from the 3rd floor of the school, there were actually teachers who had seen him. However, it failed to prevent the incident from happening.

"Those who knew that his homeroom teacher was being scolded earlier. The principal is still being scolded," he said.

Currently, the victim has been taken to Tebet Hospital, South Jakarta for medical treatment.

"Earlier he was taken to the Tebet Hospital," he said.

VOI tried to contact the Tebet Police Chief, Kompol Murohil, but until this news was broadcast, the person concerned had not provided information.